Phoebe meets Matheo

"We want to rent an apartment with complete facilities that provide two rooms," said Matheo who was dealing with the apartment manager who sat opposite him and Angelica.

"Fortunately, we still have two apartment units that meet your criteria," said the manager, who is a man in his 30s who wears a cream-colored suit without a tie. "There is 1 unit on floor number 3 and there is 1 more unit on floor number 8."

"Then I want to see both so I can choose," said Matheo.

"Okay, then I will take you. We will look around while talking about prices," said the manager then stood up.

Matheo and Angelica stood up and walked out of the room with the manager. They walked through the other rooms where some of the staff worked until they finally reached the corridor leading to the elevator.
