Happy and sorry

11 p.m. to be exact in a hotel room with two beds, Abbie still couldn't sleep because she felt uncomfortable. The girl was playing with her cell phone while lying down while her mother was already sleeping on the bed next to her. suddenly she got a picture message from Travis, then opened it.


Abbie was very surprised when she saw the photo sent by Travis was a photo of Phoebe lying limply on the hospital bed with several pieces of medical equipment attached to her body, then the surface of her stomach looked bloated, and wore a blue belt.

"Phoebe....it is, Phoebe! Why is she pregnant? She was pregnant, and why did Travis suddenly find her... wasn't she helping Dr. Lizzy with a patient who was pregnant but had no husband... Was that patient Phoebe?"

Abbie was so shocked that there was another message from Travis. She immediately read the message and her eyes successfully widened.