baby boy

The next day ...

Nine o'clock.

After having breakfast together in the infirmary, Travis took Phoebe to the obstetrician's room in a wheelchair while the others were having breakfast outside. The man walked leisurely down the hospital corridor, occasionally smiling when a nurse or doctor greeted him.


Travis opened the door and led Phoebe into the obstetrician's room. there was already Dr. Lizzy sitting casually reading a file.

"Phoebe," said Dr. Lizzy, standing up.

"Dr. Lizzy," said Phoebe with a smile. She looked fresher in her light blue negligee and pinned some of her hair back.

"We want to do an ultrasound," Travis said. "But ... I want to do it myself. I want to be the first to know the gender of my child," he continued.

"Oh, no problem. Do what you want," said Dr. Lizzy very kindly. "I will prepare the equipment," she continued.