keep feeling


Travis still accompanies Phoebe in the hospital because she has not been allowed to go home because her condition has not fully recovered. The man was sitting relaxed on the couch while his lover was sleeping on the bed.


Travis glanced at the door, saw Ivanka coming into the room with a yellow paper bag, and then handed it to him.

"Thanks," Travis said, then saw that the contents of the paper bag were the clothes he ordered because he didn't bring any change of clothes to the hospital.

"How is she? When can she get out of here?" Ivanka asked while glancing at the bed.

"Maybe tomorrow or the day after she can come home," Travis replied.

Ivanka looked back at Travis who must have asked Phoebe to get back together, that would mean leaving Ohio.

"Are you going to take her straight back to New York?" She asked as she sat down on the other couch.