Find it hard

Two months later...

Phoebe is feeding Travis who has to have breakfast but doesn't want to eat alone. her fiancé is very spoiled, and lately she often asks to be fed with the excuse that he can't eat himself because he's holding Theodore.

"Too bad I have to work late tonight," he said after eating an omelet from Phoebe.

"Why is that?" Phoebe asked.

"Because there are plans for a Caesarean section for pregnant women," Travis replied casually while holding Theodore who looked so cute wearing a long blue suit complemented by socks. "Incidentally she asked for the c-section to be done at night..almost like the time you were about to give birth to Theo."

"Well then, that's fine," Phoebe said, feeding Travis again with a fork. Occasionally she smiled when she saw their son who was watching food as if he was interested in eating. ." You can't eat this yet because you're too small," she said.