Chapter 2

The more beautiful Li Qin is, the richer and powerful the family is, and he is being flattered every day.

If you have more experience, you will naturally understand how many sincere intentions are in a compliment, and how many additional attempts are there.

What surprised her was that when Xiao Baihua said these words, she didn't look deceitful at all, and there was no trace of flattery.

Just simply and directly express his feelings at this moment, which makes Li Qinyue feel happy.

Even after hearing it thousands of times, women like others to praise their beauty.

So the empress's posture closed, Li Qinyue bent down slightly, resting his elbow on the railing and his palm on his chin.

She smiled slightly and asked the little white flower in the middle of the hall: "How beautiful is it?"

Xiao Baihua looked at her and said seriously: "I couldn't help but look at you during the fight just now."

This is really... it made everyone slap their tongues.

Li Qinyue raised the corners of her lips and asked her, "Why are you fighting?"

Xiao Baihua frowned and looked serious: "In public, she deliberately exposed her body, persuaded her not to listen, and intended to be obscene. After three warnings, she used force."

This time, everyone in the hall was inhaling.

Ling Xi cursed lowly, "Damn," and looked at Li Qinyue incredulously: "Is this the real police recruited?"

Li Qinyue straightened up and walked down gracefully: "Just ask if you don't know."

With the conversation just now, when Li Qinyue and Ling Xi came to the central hall, no matter the crowd watching the excitement or the stripper who was beaten, they were all silent.

Xiao Baihua stood in front of this group of people, calmly, as if this is what she should do, it is the way of heaven.

Li Qinyue stood still in front of her. His height and high heels of more than ten centimeters made him look like an adult looking down on a child.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Zhuo Zhi." Xiao Baihua replied.

"What are you doing here?" Li Qinyue approached the young face a little, blocking Ling Xi's sight.

"I'm looking for you." Xiao Baihua didn't hesitate to hide.

"Okay." Li Qinyue straightened up and walked aside, "Then follow me."

Zhuo Zhi walked two steps to keep up, parallel to Li Qinyue, raised his head and chest, like a tall white poplar, without losing his momentum.

Ling Xi caught up and shouted in a low voice, "Mr. Li, just left?"

"Otherwise." Li Qinyue didn't look back.

Ling Xi stumbled on something she wanted to say, and took out her mobile phone from her pocket to send a message to Li Qin.

Buzzing, the phone vibrated continuously in Li Qinyue's hand. She glanced at it and replied:

-The compensation for medical expenses and pensions will be charged to my account.

Away from the hustle and bustle and bright lights, Li Qinyue realized that he had forgotten to take his coat when he was blown away by the wind.

A heavy fur is the most charming with this long skirt, but for the troublesomeness of her side, she didn't plan to go back again.

Zhuo Zhi followed her, walking briskly, and compared to the sound of her high heels knocking on the ground, it was so quiet that only the body's temperature remained.

Li Qinyue took a breath, as if to the people around him, and as if talking to himself: "It's really a good gift."

With a rustling sound, the down jacket in Zhuo Zhi's hand covered Li Qinyue's shoulder.

The skin was cold at first, but it quickly heated up. Li Qinyue turned his head to look at her: "When did you take the clothes?"

Zhuo Zhi was obviously wrong, and hurriedly said: "I took off the one that I put on the chair before I started. I took it just now when I came out. It's not sweaty, it's clean."

Li Qinyue sniffed subconsciously. The animal scent of down jacket mixed with the scent of laundry detergent was unpleasant, but it was indeed clean.

Zhuo Zhi laughed, noticing her small movements, he had to say: "Right? Xiangxiang's."

Li Qinyue didn't know what was funny, and suddenly laughed.

Some can't help it, pulling the side of the down jacket and laughing for a while.

She is happy, Zhuo Zhi is even more happy.

The two happily walked through the stone path and copied the trail back to Li Qinyue's private villa.

As soon as the door opened and the heating came in, Li Qinyue took off the down jacket and threw it on the hanger in the hallway, kicked his high heels, and stepped on the soft furry carpet.

Zhuo Zhi was stunned at the edge of the carpet, looking left and right, a little at a loss.

Li Qinyue ignored her, went into the living room to take a pack of cigarettes, and smoked half a cigarette, which brought her emotions back.

Zhuo Zhi, a girl with extremely high military value, was thrown on any roadside where she went out to play, and she would like it if she said a few words.

If you want to show off your strength like today, without waiting for someone to come over and praise her for her beauty, Li Qinyue might also come up and strike up a conversation.

But since she was a spy sent by her family, she couldn't have the above emotions.

Being soft to the enemy is cruel to yourself. If you step back in the tug-of-war with your family, you may completely lose control.

Zhuo Zhi was still standing by the carpet, Li Qinyue looked over and said, "Why are you looking for me?"

"I'll be your bodyguard." Zhuo Zhi quickly took out a squarely folded piece of paper from his pocket, "This is a power of attorney."

"Why don't I know my bodyguard?" Li Qinyue flicked the soot, "Who entrusted you?"

"Mr. Li Yuanxi."

It is the name of Grandpa Li Qinyue.

The more Li Qin smiled, her father got better and better.

The person who does everything possible is the type she likes, and to send people to her in the name of her grandfather.

Li Qinyue grew up spoiled by his grandfather, even if the old man is now in her father's camp, Li Qinyue can't blatantly confront him.

Therefore, people must accept it, but if they leave, she cannot let them go.

"Being my bodyguard is not easy." Li Qinyue pressed the cigarette, got up and walked to Zhuo Zhi's side.

Zhuo Zhi frowned slightly, but still quickly said, "You can test me."

"Hate the smell of smoke?" Li Qinyue's lips curled up.

"Smoking is harmful to health." Zhuo Zhi said.

"Oh." Li Qinyue replied, deliberately lowered his head to get close to the distance, and forced Zhuo Zhi to sway while breathing.

The child's thoughts were on his face. At this moment, no matter how beautiful Li Qin became, Zhuo Zhi still had an unpleasant emotion.

What Li Qinyue wanted was this effect. Not only did the distance not grow farther, but he moved closer.

It was close enough to see the fine hairs on Zhuozhi's cheeks and the tiny cracks in his lips.

"How old are you?" Li Qin asked slowly.

"Eighteen years and three months." Zhuo Zhi tensed his back and didn't move back. When he spoke, his lips moved very little, and his voice seemed to slip out.

After a short pause, she added: "I'm an adult."

"Are you really an adult?" Li Qinyue smiled at her inexplicably, and put his finger on her shoulder, again and again, "Guess how much you spent on me tonight."

"Spend money?" Zhuozhi frowned, "I didn't spend your money."

Li Qinyue straightened his body and sighed: "I paid for the men who deliberately exposed their bodies in public."

Zhuo Zhi's eyes widened.

"You enjoyed the service that should have belonged to me, and you hurt them. Not only did you defeat my pleasure, you also made me pay a lot of compensation."

Zhuo Zhi took a step back, with an incredible expression on his face: "I didn't enjoy it!"

"You said they molested you, why did they molest you?" Li Qinyue looked at her.

"I let them put on clothes, but they took off another one in front of me, twisting and twisting in front of me, trying to touch me with their bodies!"

"Oh." Li Qinyue smiled, "This is the service bought by adults."

Zhuo Zhi was stunned, without speaking or even blinking for half a minute.

Li Qinyue almost trembled with a smile in his heart, and it was a bit hard to maintain the so-called adult filthy expression on his face.

She simply turned around and said, "You have to lose me money and deduct it from your salary."

Zhuo Zhi finally gave up the idea of ​​not stepping on the dirty carpet, and followed in three or two steps: "I will only compensate for the medical expenses of the beating."

"Why?" Li Qinyue walked upstairs.

"Article 66 of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law states that prostitution and prostitution shall be detained for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days, and a fine of not more than 5,000 yuan. Since it is illegal, I have stopped it and cannot claim compensation."

She spoke smoothly. The bamboo tube was like beans, but Li Qinyue staggered under her feet and almost fell down the empty stairs.

When she shook, Zhuo Zhi held her arm in a thoughtful manner, polite and courteous, and quickly withdrew her hand when her center of gravity stabilized.

Li Qinyue turned his head and stared at her, and a thousand words condensed into one sentence: "What?"

Zhuo Zhi stared down at the stairs, his mouth broken and his thoughts flowed smoothly: "Organizing or forcing others to prostitution, in violation of the criminal law, shall be sentenced to more than five years but not more than 10 years in prison. To induce, accommodate, or introduce others to prostitution shall be sentenced to more than 10 days... "

"You tell me those two words again." Li Qinyue interrupted her, a little bit trying to punch someone.

Zhuo Zhi raised his eyes and glanced at her, but he didn't pretend to pretend that he didn't know which word Li Qinyue was talking about.

He whispered twice and said in a low voice: "You can't force me to accept that kind of service."

The quicker Li Qin laughed, "Do I have to boast that you have learned well in logic and law."

"I haven't learned it." Zhuo Zhi said, "I just memorized it."

"Quite proud?"

"I won't lose that money anyway." Zhuo Zhi stood up without looking at Li Qinyue, "That thing is wrong."

Li Qin Yue has mixed flavors.

Calling some Cowherd princesses at the party, and high-end little stars to accompany her, this is the most common thing in her rich second-generation circle.

Although Jie Shen was not interested in these things, she never missed the things that should be seen, and she had seen a lot of things that shouldn't be seen, but she had never connected these with the regulations of Zhuo Zhi back.

Because when these regulations appear, it must not be the police squeezing a group of disheveled women holding their heads and prostitutes passing through the TV one by one. They are too grounded and will not appear in the world of Li Qinyue at all.

But can you refute it? Can you say that this is not the same thing?

can not…

Li Qinyue originally wanted to use these adult pickles to disgust the adolescent girl, so that she could accumulate disgust value and retreat early.

In the end, Zhuo Zhi took a mouthful of prostitution and whoring, making Li Qinyue feel as if he had been splashed with dung.

"Damn..." she cursed in a low voice.

Zhuo Zhi looked at her, his lips moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

"Are you trying to say that swearing is wrong?" Li Qinyue was surprised that he could keep up with the brain circuit of this bad girl so quickly.

"Yeah." Zhuo Zhi's eyes sparkled, full of expectation.

"I'm **** your uncle." Li Qinyue answered her calmly.