Chapter 5

It was also on the mountain, but there were no chickens to get Zhuo Zhi to get up the next day.

The curtains in the room were thick and heavy, blocking out the light. Zhuo Zhi jumped up and ran over and pulled it open, and found that the sky was already bright.

She was taken aback. She overslept on the first day of work, but it was terrible.

He quickly rushed to the bathroom and finished washing. Zhuo Zhi put on his clothes, opened the door and walked downstairs briskly. First, he circled in the lobby on the first floor, but did not find Li Qin Yue people.

She ran out of the house again and circled in the small garden front and back, but there was still no one.

The location of the villa is good, and the view from the distance is excellent, you can see the sun hanging on the beams of the distant mountains.

The entire Nanhai City was shrouded in the misty morning light, bustling and crowded.

Zhuo Zhi subconsciously wanted to look outside, and suddenly remembered that Li Qinyue had said that he could call her if he had something to do in the future.

He turned a corner at his feet and ran back, strode up to the second floor and returned to his room, and took the phone on the table.

So Miss Li was awakened by the telephone ringing at 6:50 on the second day when she returned to Nanhai City in the dust.

This number that is not turned off is her important communication number, and the incoming call will not be hung up by her.

After reflexively answering the phone, she found that she was just a small bodyguard who had just joined the job, and she could not be found.

Li Qinyue's qi to get up was not big at all, if it was during the normal work and rest time.

Or if there are a hundred thousand urgent things happen, she can also deal with it rationally and calmly.

But now neither of these conditions exist, Li Qinyue's head is dumbfounded and heavy, and he yells: "Where the **** can I be, you little idiot!! Where can I be the **** at this point!!" Bed!!! Do you **** know what the bed is for!!! It's used for sleeping!!! Sleeping!!! It's not for me to do bounce exercises in the early morning of winter!!! Youknow?!!!"

The sound was too loud and fierce, and the trembling handset of the cell phone made a faint noise.

Zhuo Zhi took the phone a little farther to protect his ears, and softly eased the other's anger: "Oh, oh, got it. You're fine. Well, when I get up, there are eggs in the refrigerator. I'll make stewed eggs for you."

"I'll eat your egg!" Li Qinyue was crazy, "I have something! I have something to fuck!"

"What's the matter?" Zhuo Zhi asked.

"Fuck..." Li Qin yelled so that her head became more dizzy. She leaned on the head of the bed and slowly pulled out some logic from her groggy head to make it easier to curse. "What did I tell you last night?"

"Telled a lot," Zhuo Zhi raised his hand and touched his nose, probably knowing that he had done something wrong, "Which one did you say?"

"Heh." Li Qin became so angry that he didn't want to speak.

"I'm sorry." Zhuo Zhi suddenly apologized, "I miscalculated the time you spent sleeping late."

"Sleep! Lazy! Sleep! Lazy! Sleep! Lazy!" Li Qinyue fingered the head of the bed and banged loudly, "What the **** need to be estimated?! What time did you estimate for me?!"

"I usually get up when the chicken crows, about 4:30 to 5 AM." Zhuo Zhi walked out of the room, "Today I overslept, and it was so bright when I woke up, I thought you were also up."

"Fuck..." Li Qinyue grabbed the cigarette from the bedside, "Are you a little monk?"

"I am next door to a nun's nunnery, and I am going to be a nun. My master comes to persuade my master every year to let me go to her nunnery to listen to the scriptures..."

"Damn..." Li Qin Yue pouted and looked for a lighter.

"Don't smoke." Zhuo Zhi said, "Early in the morning, drink a glass of water."

"Your surname is Tang, right?" Li Qinyue didn't find the lighter within the reach of his hand, and simply lifted the quilt and got out of the bed.

"The surname is Zhuo, the outstanding Zhuo."

"You are quite good at composing words." Li Qinyue inspected the desk, opened two more drawers, but still didn't find a lighter.

"Since you are up, don't go to sleep. Wash your face. The stewed eggs are delicious, smooth and tender, and melt in your mouth. Add some soy sauce and some scallions..."

"Tang Seng!" Li Qinyue took the cigarette away and threw it on the table. "Are you here to be my bodyguard or to be my babysitter?"

"It's my duty to take good care of you." Zhuo Zhi said happily.

"Fool." Li Qin cursed in a low voice, and his anger was almost gone, and he went into the bathroom simply, "You make me a good meal, or I will break your leg."

"You can't beat me."

"I sealed your mouth with duct tape."

"Oh." Zhuo Zhi said quickly, "I'll hang up first."

When Li Qinyue packed up and went downstairs, Zhuo Zhi wrapped a brand-new apron and just brought out a bowl of stewed eggs.

It breathes warmly, the color is light yellow, with a little seasoning and emerald green onion, it looks good.

Li Qinyue sat down and Zhuo Zhi handed her a spoon: "Eat slowly, it's a bit hot."

Li Qinyue lifted his eyes and glanced at her, Zhuo Zhi's non-fendained face showed a bit of matte peculiar to a young girl, his eyes widened and flickered, and his eyelashes were quite long.

"Where did this stuff come from?" Li Qinyue's hand with a spoon hooked up a little finger and pointed at Zhuozhi's apron.

"The second drawer of the left cabinet in the kitchen." Zhuo Zhi answered truthfully.

"Well," Li Qinyue took a spoonful of egg into his mouth, and squinted comfortably, "like a little daughter-in-law."

Seeing that she was eating happily, Zhuo Zhi sat down boldly, "I just said that I am a little monk."

"Nagging." Li Qinyue didn't want to talk to her, "you just made a bowl?"

"The pot is too small. If you don't need it, I will make it right away. It will be ready soon."

"Do I look like someone who eats so much?" Li Qinyue said, "What about your own?"

"I have dry food." Zhuo Zhi replied.

"Master Ke Braised Beef Noodles?"

"Hey, yes, there are noodles, turkey noodles, hot and sour noodles, snail noodles..."

Li Qinyue put down the spoon and looked at her, hoping to roll her eyes: "You actually came to eat snacks while going down the mountain?"

"Ah..." Zhuo Zhi pursed his lips.

"Immediately, right away, what do you eat what I eat." Li Qinyue pointed to the kitchen, "I am eating eight glasses of water for a **** healthy diet, and you can't take one less!"

In the past, when he returned to Nanhai City, Li Qin Yue had his first meal, and he could lie on the sofa and listen to TV planning his nightlife.

But today, Zhuo Zhi has washed the bowls. She hasn't figured out what to do this early.

Zhuo Zhi untied the apron, folded it neatly, put it back in the second drawer of the left cabinet, came out to look at Li Qinyue standing in the middle of the living room, and said, "Are you sleepy?"

Li Qinyue glared at her.

Zhuo Zhi smiled: "Don't sleep this time, you can take a nap at noon."

Li Qinyue: "The housekeeper."

"You gave me a lot of nicknames." Zhuo Zhi walked up to her and jumped twice, "If there is nothing to do, let's go for a run!"

Zhuo Zhi jumped very high, it was really high.

You can see that this little kid has good jumping ability in just two strokes, and Li Qinyue said: "Jump again."

Zhuo Zhi jumped very obediently, and deliberately jumped high, very loudly.

Li Qinyue said: "Will you stop in the air?"

"Stuck in the air?" Zhuo Zhi smiled brightly, "Of course he will."

Without waiting for Li Qinyue's instructions, Zhuo Zhi stepped back, bent his knees and jumped up, not only performing stagnation, but also changing hands with his hips, flying and slam dunk.

The movements are very beautiful. Regardless of whether she can slam dunk at her height, her movements are like a professional athlete who has dunked countless times.

"Do you have a basketball court on the mountain?" Li Qinyue asked with a smile.

"There is a university on the other side of the mountain. I often mix in to play in the gym."

"Oh, you have a lot of copies of this story." Li Qinyue raised his hand and stretched out, moving his wrists and ankles by the way, "It's so boring to run, my sister will take you to have fun."

"Okay!" Zhuo Zhi's eyes sparkled.

Li Qinyue changed into sportswear, tied his hair and tied a high ponytail.

When he went out, Zhuo Zhi waited for her in the yard. When he saw her, his eyes brightened very clearly.

But he didn't say anything, just smiled cheerfully.

The car in the villa was already waiting at the intersection. The two of them walked over, Li Qinyue got into the back seat, and Zhuo Zhi sat in the co-pilot.

When the car drove out of the mountain villa and went up the winding road, Li Qinyue looked at Zhuo Zhi a little sideways, and found that Zhuo Zhi was very serious since he got in the car.

He didn't speak or smile, his brows kept frowning slightly, and his expression was cold.

Even if Li Qinyue knew how she laughed, how stupid she was, and what she was cooking, he couldn't say that she was pretending to be an adult.

Zhuo Zhi is working hard, and the force value she has shown makes her very reliable.

Li Qinyue only really looked for a bodyguard in a few moments, and Zhuo Zhi was the most special one, and also the most common one.

After the car stopped, Zhuo Zhi got off first.

After glanced back and forth, he moved quickly and opened the door for Li Qinyue.

Li Qinyue got out of the car and took a deep breath. The mountains and forests in the morning were cold and fresh.

She signaled that the driver could go back, then patted Zhuozhi on the shoulder, and said to her: "Relax, we are here to play."

Zhuo Zhi looked around, and after making sure that there was no one, he turned into a villa again. He smiled and asked her, "Sister Qin Yue, what are we playing?"

That's how she was called when she really started.

Li Qinyue lifted the corners of his lips and smiled and said, "What anxious, you will know immediately."

Twenty minutes later, they stepped on the wet and cold fallen leaves and weeds, and they came to the edge of a rift valley cliff.

On the cliff, there are not too big rope jumping facilities, which stand tall and rusty spots can be seen nearby.

Li Qinyue didn't know where to pull out the thick rubber rope, pulled it apart and threw it in front of Zhuo Zhi: "Have you played it?"

"No." Zhuo Zhi shook his head.

"Do you know how to play?"

"I saw it on TV."

"Do you want to play?" Li Qinyue stared at her with a smile at the corner of his eyes.

Zhuo Zhi raised his hand and said, "Wait a minute."

Li Qinyue was not in a hurry, waiting for her to see what she would do.

Zhuo Zhi took out the phone and looked at it carefully. There were two bars of signal. She tried to make a call, and it could be connected.

Then she opened the webpage and searched for the notes on searching for bungee jumping. After a quick glance, she walked around the facility twice.

Finally, under Li Qinyue's expectant and provocative gaze, he shook his head and replied, "Don't play."

She answered too swiftly, without any preparation or excuses, and her mood was too calm, without any shame or hesitation.

Li Qinyue waited for two seconds, Zhuo Zhi did not speak, and looked at her quietly. Li Qinyue felt that if there was a mirror in front of him, he might be able to see that his face was green.

"You're just as capable." Li Qinyue twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"I'm all healthy adults, and I don't know whether I can tie the chickens or not. There must be resistance." Zhuo Zhi calmly said, "This facility is placed here and no one maintains it. It is not reliable from the appearance. I've never played bungee jumping, and I don't know much about it, and I don't have the ability to really detect it. So I won't put myself at such a big safety risk for no reason."

Li Qinyue shrugged, indicating that he did not want to listen to her.

She got on the stand and began to put the lock on the other end of the rubber rope around her feet, and Zhuo Zhi rushed over.

She grabbed Li Qinyue's arm, squeezed it extremely tightly, and frowned, "You can't jump, it's too dangerous."

"I'm going to jump." Li Qinyue looked at her, putting on the most arrogant expression in the past twenty years.

"I want to knock you out and carry you back." Zhuo Zhi said bitterly.

Li Qinyue smiled, his neck stretched out: "You hit it."

Zhuo Zhi narrowed his mouth, a little crying expression: "Why are you so naive!!"

There are not many people who say that Li Qinyue is naive, only her father and her grandfather.

Especially her dad, from when she was really naive to when she didn't want to be naive, back and forth, each time was mixed with endless disappointment and scolding.

Therefore, Li Qinyue sometimes quite wants to be really naive to go back, anyway, the consequences have already been memorized, not doing it in vain.

So she smiled at Zhuo Zhi, smirkingly: "I'm so naive."

Zhuo Zhi stared at her for a while, with a cold expression on his face, and suddenly said, "Can you have two people?"

"Huh?" Li Qinyue looked at her.

"Can you double jump?" Zhuozhi's ponytail was blown up by the wind and hit his shoulders scatteredly. Against the backdrop of the forest cliffs, there was the chivalrous beauty of splashing ink and landscape, "I will accompany you."