Chapter 14

What does Zhuo Zhi think... Zhuo Zhi doesn't think so much!

She had presupposed a lot of scenarios for protecting employers for herself. Among them, there are many men who helped Li Qinyue solve excessive harassment. Now, with just one sentence, this person suddenly changed her sexuality. Next, she has to deal with excessive harassment. Women!

Li Qinyue pinched Zhuozhi's palms and itchy palms, she hugged her paws to her chest and rubbed them for a while.

"What's the matter?" Li Qinyue squinted at her, "Do you hate me?"

"No." Zhuo Zhi was trapped in his emotions, unable to extricate himself, "...Do you still like men?"

"Well..." Li Qinyue frowned and thought for a while, "I don't like it... right."

"Right?" Zhuo Zhi stared at her.

"I haven't figured it out yet." Li Qinyue waved his hand indifferently, "Let's look at it later."

"No, Mr. Li, it shouldn't be like this." Zhuo Zhi rationalized his thoughts, "Isn't sexual orientation inherent? Why did you suddenly change it."

"Who said it was born?" Li Qin Yue paused, "but you said it was born... actually better."

"What's so good?"

"Hehehe." Li Qinyue smiled to himself, without answering Zhuozhi's question, raised his hand to put the music on, and then hummed.

Zhuo Zhi pondered all the way, but he didn't ponder and understand Li Qinyue's psychological journey.

After Li Qinyue stopped the car, Zhuo Zhi looked out of the car and was startled: "Sister, aren't we going home?"

"Who told you to go home." Li Qinyue turned and drove the car into the parking lot. "Why are you going home at this point? Do you have big eyes and small eyes?"

Zhuo Zhi was very worried: "Will you let me in this time?"

"Come in." Li Qinyue laughed, and raised his hand to squeeze Zhuo Zhi's neck. "It was an accident last time. From now on, you will be allowed to enter this store, and there will be unlimited free orders."

"Wow." Zhuo Zhi was happy, "Report your name?"

"No need." Li Qinyue untied his seat belt in a cool gesture of stopping.

Zhuo Zhi followed her out of the car, Li Qinyue slammed the door and walked with long arms and legs with wind: "Mr. Li will take you for a walk and brush your face later."

Zhuo Zhi jumped in front of her in two steps, and walked backwards: "Mr. Li, you are more tyrannical."

"Yes, so I am a high-level boss." Li Qinyue lifted his eyes and swept away, "There are speed bumps behind, be careful."

"I know." Zhuo Zhi didn't even look, jumped up with his feet, and jumped over.

"Is it necessary to jump so high to raise your foot?" Li Qinyue has always been envious of the jumping ability of this little girl's film.

"Hey, you are a senior boss, I have to be a senior bodyguard!" Zhuo Zhi jumped again, "Look, is it tall?"

Li Qin Yue laughed and raised his hand: "Little Kangaroo, jump out!"

"Good!" Zhuo Zhi turned around, really jumping out.

The bar that Li Qinyue invested in was called "Shengge". Zhuo Zhi had been sitting at the door for an afternoon with great heart. He saw the huge sign, but he didn't take it to his heart.

This time it was different. No one dared to stop her this time. Mr. Li took her to brush her face personally, which made her face much better.

It just so happened that today's security eldest brother happened to be the one that day, and Zhuo Zhi's head was so high that he had to be next to Li Qinyue when he entered the door.

In order to create an atmosphere, the entrance corridor was not spacious, Li Qinyue simply pulled Zhuo Zhi, hooked the person to a parallel position, and put his hand loosely on her shoulder.

With Zhuo Zhi's joy, Li Qinyue looked at her with slanted eyes.

Zhuo Zhi turned his head and asked her, "Ms. Li, are you going to Shengge?"

"Yes." Li Qinyue nodded, the upward arc of the corners of his lips was full of meaning in the dim light, "Singing songs every night."

But in fact, as soon as you enter the door, you know that "Shengge" is not the kind of atmosphere that is fascinating. This will have just arrived at the point of preparation for business. Poster, there should be a band performance tonight.

Ai Jia was wearing a white polka-dotted red dress today, and her hair was burnt with exploding fireworks. When she walked from behind the bar, it looked like a retro pictorial.

Zhuo Zhi still praised without hesitation: "Sister Aijia, you look so good today."

Ai Jia smiled and asked her: "This time it looks good, or did it look good the first time I saw it?"

"The beauty has its own flavor." Zhuo Zhi's mouth is sweet.

The back of the neck was pinched, and Li Qinyue smiled and looked at her: "Is she good-looking or me?"

Zhuo Zhi repeated quickly: "The beauty has its own flavor."

"Tsk." Li Qinyue raised his head and said to Ai Jia, "When this little girl saw me for the first time, she praised me as the most beautiful in the audience. Now I have to sit side by side.

"Why, I'm not happy to be side by side with me." Ai Jia came over and took Li Qinyue's arm, "I'm in a good mood today?"

"Yes, it's super good." Li Qinyue sat down with her left-handed beauty and right-handed bodyguard in the best place in the store. "Have you heard about the'dread'?"

"Of course." Aijia beckoned to the bartender to bring the drink, "Who wouldn't know the whole bar street in Nanhai when something happened, everyone is busy with self-examination today."

Li Qinyue didn't confuse this matter with him, only smiled and said, "Then have you checked it?"

"I have anything to check." Aijia pointed to the shop, and said every word, "I am here, dry, dry, clean, clean."

"I saw it." Li Qinyue took a sip of the wine in front of him, "It tastes good."

"I'm new." Ai Jia raised his chin to Zhuo Zhi, "Baby, you can try it too, you are different from hers, there is no alcohol."

"I'm an adult." Zhuo Zhi said immediately.

"It looks so cute." Aijia smiled.

Zhuo Zhi blushed, lowered his head and took a sip of the colorful drink, his eyes brightened: "Delicious!"

"I like to come here often in the future, my sister will give you a drink." Aijia said.

"Hey, hey," Li Qinyue raised his hand, blocking the gaze of the two of them. "What about the kid, don't make a fool of yourself."

"I'm an adult." Zhuo Zhi immediately said again.

Li Qinyue retracted his hand and slapped her head on the head: "The hair hasn't grown even."

Aiga looked at them and just laughed.

The three of them were drinking and chatting, very happy. Before long, there was a sound on the other side of the stage, and Li Qinyue looked over. It was a band performing at night, adjusting their instruments.

"Huh? So early." Li Qin swept away, three boys, one of whom was longer than the other passerby, the clothes were quite personal, tattered, and punk.

"New band, very serious." Aigar said, "I just talked about it two days ago. I signed for March."

Li Qinyue has two brokerage companies, so he is very sensitive to this kind of thing: "So long?"

Aijia knows her well, so she smiled and said, "The lead singer is beautiful and the voice is good. The band writes their own songs, which sounds nice."

Li Qinyue lifted up half of his body and circled back and forth: "Where is the lead singer?"

"Girl." Aijia reminded her, "Don't be so excited."

Li Qinyue was already short, but suddenly stood up straight again: "That's not necessarily true. Girls may be more excited."

Ai Jia looked surprised, looked at Li Qinyue, then at Zhuozhi, Zhuozhi shrugged and put on a helpless expression.

Since Miss Li is interested, she will naturally appear quickly.

Probably the heavens were biased towards Li Qinyue, the black cloth behind the scenes on the stage raised, and the lead singer really showed his face.

Li Qinyue was stunned, this person was not familiar with it.

Hair is ripe.

I wear a lot of clothes today, and the tattoos on my arms are invisible, but I have very garish blue hair.

Without the messy lighting and atmosphere rendering in "Fear", the blue-haired girl looked plain and special today.

"Hey." Li Qinyue sighed.

"What? I know." Aijia smiled, "Don't be so coincidental."

"It's a coincidence," Li Qinyue shook his head, "something is too coincidental. I have to wonder if this person came for me."

"What happened?" Aigar asked.

Li Qinyue didn't reveal that he was on the scene when he thought of talking about the news about "dread", so this topic is not easy to continue now, so he has to vaguely say: "Something pretty fun."

"Tsk." Ai Jia lowered his head and stirred the wine in the glass. "I'll go to the back for a while, and I won't accompany you."

"Go go." Li Qinyue waved his hand.

As soon as Ai Jia left, Zhuo Zhi immediately moved the stool and moved to Li Qinyue's side: "What's the fun thing?"

"Privacy." Li Qinyue is even harder to say to this little thing who loves to betray the laws and regulations.

Zhuo Zhi frowned, looked at the lead singer, and stared for a while.

Li Qinyue also looked there, two piercing eyes finally attracted attention, and the blue-haired girl turned her head.

At the gaze of Li Qinyue, he was stunned.

Li Qinyue's expression was indifferent, not at all embarrassed, nor did he show good intentions.

The blue-haired girl was stunned for a long time, and then suddenly squatted down to clean up the wires tangled on the ground.

Li Qinyue curled his lips, holding a glass of wine, drinking quite leisurely.

Zhuo Zhi broke this strange atmosphere. She raised her hand and poked Li Qinyue's wine glass: "You have alcohol, drink less."

"This is the degree." Li Qinyue said, "I drank a third of it in half an hour, is it called drinking?"

"If we sit at night, you will drink a lot." Zhuo Zhi said, "You drink too much..."

"What is it?" Li Qinyue frowned and interrupted her.

"It's fun." Zhuo Zhi changed his words.

"What did you want to say?" Li Qinyue was about to ask to the end.

Zhuo Zhi sighed, with a sad expression on that tender face, like a little adult: "It's troublesome."

"This comrade, you have to figure it out." Li Qinyue pointed to himself, "I will pay your salary."

"Mr. Li, I was wrong." Zhuo Zhi said quickly.

"Knowing mistakes and correcting them is a good boy." Li Qinyue raised his chin at the lead singer, "What do you think of her?"

"How about what?"

"Sure enough, he is a kid." Li Qinyue paused, "How about falling in love?"

Zhuo Zhi frowned: "Are you going to fall in love with her?"

"Play." Li Qin Yue said.

Zhuozhi's brows frowned even more tightly: "No matter who you are with, it is wrong to play with feelings!"

"What, do you want me to be serious?" Li Qinyue looked at her with a smile.

"This is your privacy, I can't control it." Zhuo Zhuo said angrily, "but it's not right to play with emotions!"

"It's okay." Suddenly someone approached, "It's okay to have fun."

Li Qinyue and Zhuo Zhi turned their heads at the same time, and the blue-haired girl stood in front of them, with the light behind them hitting their hair, the color was very beautiful.

Zhuozhi's brows were almost wringing out of a mountain, Li Qinyue was quite happy, and he looked up at Zhuozhi with a triumphant smile, then tilted his head and said to the blue-haired girl extremely lightly: "What a coincidence."

The blue-haired girl put her hands on the table and regarded Zhuo Zhi as air, her eyes tightly locked in Li Qinyue.

"I missed you all night."

With a startling opening, Zhuo Zhi's eyes widened.

After thinking about it all night, this information was enough for Zhuo Zhi to reason.

If the two met last night, they met in 'dread'.

Zhuo Zhi knew the plan last night very well. Li Qinyue assured Zhuo Zhi that he wasn't interested in women before going to'Fear'. As a result, after one night, he said he became **** today.

Everything is connected, Li Qinyue's change in sexuality is because of the blue-haired girl in front of him.

Zhuo Zhi stared at this person's profile, and fell into another thought: What kind of charm does this person have that can make Li Qinyue so intoxicated by fake dramas.

The blue hair stared at Li Qinyue, waiting for her response to these words.

Zhuo Zhi also looked at Li Qinyue, waiting for her to answer the questions in her mind.

Li Qinyue looked at Zhuo Zhi, then at the girl with blue hair, raised his eyebrows, and said in a gentle voice: "I also missed you all night."

Zhuo Zhi clenched his fingers unconsciously, ah, this mess of adult world!

Li Qinyue paused and said with a smile: "Where do you think you made this hair, I will dye one too."

what! Zhuo Zhi's clenched fingers loosened, this mess of Li Qinyue's world.