Chapter 20

Zhuo Zhi was stunned in place, his head was colorful and blank.

Up and down her whole body, only two lips moved, and she let out a question similar to babbling: "Do...what..."

Li Qinyue laughed for a long time before repeating again: "Girlfriend."

Zhuo Zhiding was there, not even moving his lips this time.

Li Qinyue raised his hand and shook it in front of her: "Not a friend of an ordinary friend, but a girlfriend of a boyfriend and girlfriend."

Zhuo Zhi wanted to tell her that she didn't need to explain anymore. Through these days of exercise, she could not understand it wrong.

Li Qinyue just wanted to fall in love, anyway, no matter who it was, she just wanted to talk.

Before Li Qinyue was dissatisfied and dissatisfied, the problem now came to her Zhuozhi's head.

Zhuo Zhi wanted to solidify into a statue. This was the hardest question to answer in her eighteen years and three months of life.

But the waiter began to serve food, and Li Qinyue leaned back on the back of the chair again, his posture was lazy and elegant, and he didn't see any tension at all.

On the contrary, Zhuo Zhi moved backwards stiffly, pulling out the chair again, and his eyes fell on the candlestick on the table.

The service grew handsomely and the sound was nice, and after the name of the dish was reported, they asked them to use it slowly.

Zhuo Zhi wanted to hold him to wait and report again, or any ramen show, he could do it all. It's better to be like a famous hot pot restaurant with three or four people around a table, chatting. The service is always endless.

"Here." Li Qinyue picked up the knife and fork, and finely sliced ​​the meat, "eat first."

"Yeah, yeah." Zhuo Zhi responded, but he just held the tableware in his hand, and he still didn't move.

Li Qinyue cut the meat on the plate to even size, handed it to Zhuo Zhi, and exchanged her share.

Zhuo Zhi looked down at the extremely beautiful display, and some old TV series images uncontrollably appeared in his mind.

"I can use a knife and fork." Zhuo Zhi murmured, "I have eaten Western food."

"I didn't say you can't use it." Li Qinyue smiled at her, "I'm afraid you will be tired."

Zhuo Zhi felt that he had really seen a ghost. A person who would rather throw away the dishes than washing the dishes after eating at home, and someone who would throw away the dishes and never tidy them up after reading the documents, was actually afraid that she would be tired personally?

Zhuozhi's eyes were too straightforward, Li Qinyue picked up the wine glass and raised a gesture at her: "This is the treatment of the girlfriend."

Zhuo Zhi twitched the corner of his mouth, laughing a little hard.

"Touch one." Li Qin Yue said.

Zhuo Zhi picked up the wine glass and hesitated.

"Just touch one." Li Qinyue was helpless, "It's not that you become a husband and wife after drinking this glass of wine."

"Oh oh." Zhuo Zhi touched one with her.

Li Qinyue took a sip of wine and sighed with a frown.


"Sister," Zhuo Zhi said hurriedly, "I didn't mean that, I just thought..."

"Fake." Li Qin Yue said.

"?!" Zhuo Zhi's face was covered with these two symbols.

"Fake girlfriend." Li Qinyue explained, "Pretend to be my girlfriend on necessary occasions and act as a shield for me. It's that simple. Look what scares you."

Zhuo Zhi couldn't hold back it and let out a long sigh of relief.

Li Qinyue forked a piece of meat into his mouth, and looked at her as he chewed, gritted his teeth.

Zhuo Zhi smiled and finally felt that her facial muscles had come to life. She said, "Sister, don't get me wrong."

"Have I misunderstood something?" Li Qinyue said, "Don't you dislike me?"

"I didn't despise you." Zhuo Zhi paused, "It's just that you are like this suddenly, too suddenly."

"Oh, then you slowly adapt." Li Qinyue stuffed another piece of meat into his mouth, chewing slowly.

This meal can finally be eaten. Although Zhuo Zhi only played one game, she was muscularly observing the situation in the cage from the beginning of the game. At the end, the opponent was really strong, and then at the end. In the end, Li Qinyue made her heartbeat almost stop, so the hand holding the fork was a little trembling.

Li Qinyue glanced at her: "You just said I helped you cut it well?"

"Okay." Zhuo Zhi said hurriedly.

Li Qinyue curled his lips and smiled: "You just said that there is a girlfriend like me, OK?"

Zhuo Zhi's face had already turned red into cooked shrimp, and he said for a while: "Okay."

The two of them had eaten this meal for a long time, and Li Qin slowly digged in the dessert, staring out the window from time to time in a daze, until night fell.

She raised her chin outside and said, "Do you know why I brought you here for dinner?"

Zhuo Zhi looked out, and the bustling lights of Nanhai City were lit up. It was indeed much more beautiful than the scenery during the day, so she said, "Because the night scene here is beautiful."

Li Qinyue smiled and looked at her: "On your mountain, can you see the stars at night?"

"When the weather is good." Zhuo Zhi said, "In fact, you can see the villa at night."

"How can it be the same, the moon in my hometown will always be rounder." Li Qinyue asked, "The stars are beautiful or the lights are beautiful?"

"Each has its own beauty." Zhuo Zhi answered sincerely.

"You always have no preference sincerely." Li Qinyue sighed, and the topic suddenly turned a corner. "In the future, Ai Jia will ask you if you are beautiful or me, how do you answer?"

"Do you want to be a shield in front of her?" Zhuo Zhi asked.

"Yes." Li Qinyue suddenly felt pitiful.

"She is very beautiful, but you are the only one in my eyes." Zhuo Zhi said.

"Tsk." Li Qinyue sighed, turning his head and digging out the phone from his bag.

"Okay, go back." She looked at the time on the phone and said.

The two went out of the restaurant and went downstairs, while Ling Zi was waiting by the car.

Seeing the two of them coming, he opened the door of the car and was very kind to Li Qinyue and Zhuo Zhi.

Without a driver this time, Ling Zi drove by himself and asked Li Qinyue: "Sister Yue, are you going to Shengge?"

"No, go back to the villa." Li Qin Yue said.

"What time is it now." Ling Zi glanced at Zhuo Zhi in the rearview mirror. "Master sister, you won a big victory today, don't you want to celebrate?"

"Ah." According to Zhuo Zhi's original intention, of course he didn't celebrate, but now he refused in front of the insider Ling Zi, as if he was going home and rushing to do something, Zhuo Zhi hesitated for two seconds.

Li Qinyue looked at her: "Do you want to play?"

"Yes, no." Zhuo Zhi didn't know what to say, but for her, going to a place like a bar was really boring.

Li Qinyue smiled suddenly and rushed to Lingzi: "You drive to Sanyi Road, and then go home by yourself."

"Don't take me to play." Ling Zi was not happy.

"I will take you to play next time." Li Qinyue glanced at Zhuo Zhi, "Today is our time for two."

Ling Zi's eyes widened, Zhuo Zhi's face was hot, and he looked at Li Qinyue, wondering if the matter of pretending to be a girlfriend started now.

Li Qinyue didn't say anything, leaned back on the back of the chair, and started to rest with his eyes closed.

Ling Zi was very winked, and drove the car quietly without speaking. Zhuo Zhi stared at the front for a while, then looked sideways at Li Qinyue. He always felt that from then on, he was nervous and no more magnanimous and peaceful. day.

The car stopped at Sanyi Road, which is a shopping center in Nanhai City. People are the most important thing on weekdays.

Even on a winter night, the streets are full. Zhuo Zhi thought about it, and it turned out that today is the weekend.

"Sister, do you want to buy something?" Zhuo Zhi asked.

"You can buy it or not." Li Qinyue replied.

"Sister, are you going to meet someone?"

"See you if you want to see, or see if you don't want to see."

Zhuo Zhi was a little confused, and followed Li Qinyue: "Sister, what are you doing here?"

"I have never seen you ask me where I am going." Li Qinyue looked at her, "Why do I have to ask today."

"It's different today."

"Where is it different?" Li Qinyue stopped and looked down at her, smiling.

Zhuo Zhi paused, unable to speak.

"Don't be embarrassed." Li Qinyue suddenly raised her hand to pinch her face, "Today you are my girlfriend."

"False." Zhuo Zhi emphasized.

"It will be true." Li Qinyue said.

"I don't know someone." Zhuo Zhi looked around firmly.

Li Qinyue didn't let go of his hands, and pulled the soft cheeks out of the effect of a big-mouthed monkey.

"Little monkey," she said, "you can't practice, or you will show up when you meet in the future, won't you delay it?"

"What will happen if things are delayed?" Zhuo Zhi asked the worst result.

Li Qinyue looked at him solemnly: "I will marry Zhang Xitan's scumbag."

"He has something like that, Grandpa Li won't introduce you to it again." Zhuo Zhi frowned.

"Without this kind of thing to the face, my dad and grandfather can still introduce me to many people." Li Qinyue looked at her, "the day I will show you what you see, you will understand."

Zhuo Zhi didn't speak, she nodded.

Li Qin finally released his hand, but did not leave Zhuo Zhi's body.

He slid down his shoulder, rubbed his arm twice, and fell beside Zhuo Zhi's hand.

"First of all," Li Qinyue opened his palm and waited for Zhuo Zhi, "You can't hold my hand for couples shopping."

Zhuozhi's nervousness suddenly rose up, like a fish in the water bubbling bubbles.

She opened her hand and rubbed it on her body before tentatively holding it up: "I sweat when I get hot."

"I don't hate you." Li Qinyue squeezed, squeezed the person tightly, stepped out of his legs leisurely, pulled her fake girlfriend, and rolled the road aimlessly.

Zhuo Zhi raised his eyes and looked around. In fact, many of his girlfriends went out, not only holding hands, but also wearing couple clothes.

She and Li Qinyue were not weird, and could not attract strange eyes. It's just that Li Qinyue is so pretty, someone can't help but look at her more.

Zhuo Zhi just followed her like this, feeling proud, and feeling ashamed as a green leaf.

At the edge of the road, the red light was on, and the people at both ends of the zebra crossing gradually gathered, unconsciously mixed with the traffic to look at each other.

On the front of Li Qinyue and Zhuo Zhi, there was a couple of men and women. The girl was holding a cone in her hand. It was probably cold. She didn't eat two bites and just rubbed her hands. The boy quickly took what was in her hand, grabbed the girl's hand, and stuffed it into his pocket.

Li Qinyue thoughtfully, she took La Zhuozhi's hand and asked her: "It's winter, why did you just say that you sweat when you get hot."

Zhuo Zhi was stunned: "I, I have this physique."

"A physique that does not sweat all the time?" Li Qinyue turned his head to look at her.

"It's easy when exercising or nervous..." Zhuo Zhi paused.

Li Qin Yue laughed, his eyes bent like a fox: "Is it nervous when you hold your hand with me?"

"Oh." Zhuo Zhi did not deny, "I didn't go shopping hand in hand with my friends."

"Friend..." Li Qinyue frowned unsatisfied, "Then we are not making a mistake."

Before Zhuo Zhi could give a response, Li Qinyue suddenly took her hand to her mouth, and gently touched her lips, giving a gentle kiss.

"Have a friend kissed your fingertips?" Li Qinyue asked softly, curling up the corners of his lips.