Chapter 50

When Qin Yue Li Zhuo with a juvenile to the grandfather to the table, Han Ziyang is a new drug treatment of hypertension with what people say.

This table basically older, listened very carefully.

Li Qin Yue conspire grandfather to him, and said: "guy, we hit a two."

Grandfather back his head, fierce her: "how to call it."

"You looked good today this body, significantly younger." Li Qin Yue calmly flattering, touched the cup on the handle with the grandfather.

Her grandfather cheerfully take a look at a cup, very surprised: "Yo, tea ah."

"Nay." Zhuo Li Qin Yue pulled a juvenile, "You find me a good man child, I was not allowed to talk dirty drinking and smoking, the pipe must be strict."

"Li Grandpa." Zhuo juvenile called out, with a smile, "I wish you a new year healthy, happy."

"Happy happy." Grandpa very happy, juvenile patted Cho's arm, punching the table of humanity, "this little girl may have a skill, we can keep things under control Qinyue."

Li Qin Yue said: "She will keep things under control."

Uncle suddenly jumped the sentence mouth: "Qin Yue, do you still smoke ah?"

Hanzi Yang smiled and said:. "Young people sometimes have big pressure ah, t you see I'm a doctor, certainly know that smoking is bad, but sometimes no way, in order to make the nerve to relax."

Uncle Xiaohe pointed Han Ziyang: "Forget you familiar with Qin Yue, helped make her speak it."

"That can not be helped, we were more than good relations, grew up together."

"I'm not good with you." Soon Li Qin Yue Road, Lanzhu Zhuo juvenile shoulder, "I told our family Zhuo juvenile good."

Grandpa said: "each have their own good law, you are young children, to use the service with more walking point."

"Grandpa was right." Han Ziyang Road, "each have their own good law."

He bent down and moved closer to his grandfather, seemingly quiet, but in fact, at such a distance, everyone on the table can hear it.

"My good method is different from Xiao Zhuozhi's good method. I want to treat Qin Yue better. She doesn't appreciate it. Grandpa, you have to help me speak."

Everyone at the table laughed knowingly, and Grandpa also laughed happily.

In their opinion, Han Ziyang is definitely a young talent, capable, handsome, and good-natured. No matter whether he will become more successful with Li Qin in the future, he can chase his own girl, especially if he is clearly chasing after him, he is extremely capable. a matter of pride.

These elders are now enjoying their old age, and they love to listen to this kind of young and young feelings. The elder aunt asked about Han Ziyang's home situation right now, and the scene was very lively and harmonious.

In addition to the parties.

Grandpa turned his head to talk to Li Qinyue, Li Qinyue snatched the conversation: "The second young master of the Zhang family, did you understand later, Grandpa?"

Grandpa's face darkened all of a sudden. How could he not understand that he hadn't noticed and almost pitted his precious granddaughter on weekdays. Now he inquired clearly and plainly, almost even checking the accounts of Zhang Xitan's so-called entrepreneurial company. over and over.

Grandpa patted Li Qinyue's hand and said, "That kid can't do it."

"Nay." Li Qin Yue Road.

"In the future do not deserting him."

"Must." Li Qinyue doesn't have to muffle his voice like Han Ziyang. This will be generous. "Young people are used to pretending to be good in front of their elders. what to say and believe what the strategy. "

Great aunt nodded, but did not stop his mouth.

Li Qinyue said again: "People have to be with others to know whether they are good or bad, and I will be fine with Zhuo Zhi."

No one at the table cares about how well Li Qinyue is with a girl, except for grandpa.

Grandpa smiled and squinted: "The nose was not the nose and the eyes were not the eyes last time, it's all so good now."

"Hmm." Li Qinyue took Zhuozhi's hand, "and this is good, it's not the same as others' good."

"How a law is not the same ah?" Grandpa asked.

"That's..." Li Qinyue paused and raised his voice, "I especially like Zhuo Zhi. It's most comfortable to stay with her. It's comfortable everywhere. It's not so comfortable anymore."

Han Ziyang looked over his eyes complicated.

The eldest mother finally turned her attention here and asked Li Qinyue: "Where is the little girl from here, so good?"

Li Qinyue smiled and said, "You don't know you yet, so let me introduce you."

Li Qinyue put down the cup in his hand, took Zhuo Zhi into his arms, and hugged it tightly: "This is Zhuo Zhi. He is a man of good-heartedness and good martial arts. He is now working for Shengle Media and is my girlfriend."

Zhuo juvenile did not control, in the hands of the cup out of a split seam.

The table fell into silence for an instant, and everyone opened their eyes uncontrollably.

The elder mother was stunned for several times, and then asked in a low voice: "Which...female..."

"Just the girlfriend." Li Qinyue said in a sigh of relief, "The kind of dating, the kind of living. So I am now a person with a master, so please don't match me up anymore. First of all, **** is not right. "

Now, not only this table, but also the blizzard, the original lively lobby is quiet.

After a short silence, Grandpa threw his chopsticks onto the table and said, "Making a fool!"

Li Qin Yue father stood up, walked over toward the side.

Zhuo Zhi's entire body froze, and fear swept over from behind, making her hair almost stand up.

She subconsciously wanted to retract, trying to persuade Li Qinyue, but her throat was dry and she couldn't open her mouth. Li Qinyue held her hand tightly and couldn't move.

When Li Shangyi came to this table, Li Qinyue spoke uprightly: "I didn't make a fool of myself, I just admit..."

Li Shangyi whispered snapped: "Shut up."

These two words are somewhat similar to Li Qinyue's daily expressions, but now they seem to be more ferocious.

Zhuo Zhi looked over, but Li Shangyi didn't look at her at all, and only said to Li Qinyue: "If you don't find something to worry about every day, is this the place where you go wild? I don't want to eat this meal, go away."

Zhuo Zhi shook, but Li Qinyue could still laugh, and said, "Okay."

She embraced Zhuo Zhi and walked out, wherever she passed, her sisters, sisters, brothers and brothers looked like a strong man.

Cho Chih cold hands and feet, legs almost without dictating.

"You wait." Grandfather suddenly said.

Zhuo Zhi stopped abruptly. Grandpa named him by name: "Zuo Zhi, come with me."

Cho Chih suddenly turning around, Li Qin Yue did not pull the pull.

Grandpa had already got up and walked aside, Zhuo Zhi quickly followed, Li Qin Yue wanted to chase, but Li Shangyi's eyes fixed on the spot.

Li Qin Yue Tai Taishou: "We continue."

Then big step walked outward.

Grandpa will take Zhuo juvenile to go, Li Qin Yue very clear.

Bypassing the lobby, the room to the west is the study room where grandpa meets guests on weekdays. Such things are usually handled there.

Li Qinyue wouldn't chase under her father's eyelids, but that didn't mean she would let Zhuo Zhi be taken away.

Only when he reached the entrance of the study, Li Qinyue didn't immediately go in, and waited for a while at the corner of the corridor.

Zhuo Zhi was found by the old man at the beginning, so if something like this happened, he would definitely want to ask.

Li Qinyue didn't know exactly what the two had talked before, but she didn't want to break Zhuozhi's contract.

A gust of wind blew, Li Qinyue rubbed his hands, only to realize that although his chest was beating like a magma eruption, his body was cold.

Nanhai City of winter, is really cold ah.

Zhuo Zhi followed the old man into the house and consciously closed the door.

The old man sat down behind the table and was silent for a long time before asking Zhuo Zhi, "What the **** is going on?"

Cho Chang Chih-mouth several times, failed to let the sound come.

The job was given by the old man, and the original contract was signed with the old man.

The two met few times, but they were all very harmonious. The old man had a good impression of Zhuo Zhi, and Zhuo Zhi also liked this elder, and didn't want to deceive him.

The agreement between her and Li Qinyue's fake girlfriend, Li Qinyue did not overemphasize confidentiality, and the two of them swaggered through the city. Even unrelated people like Han Ziyang had guessed the truth. It is hard to guarantee that Li Qinyue's family is really not at all. knowledge.

Everyone knows that it's one thing, but when it comes to opening the skylight to speak up, it's another thing.

Li Qinyue said this too suddenly, Zhuo Zhi never expected that she could be so bold, so decisive, without any notice or preparation, and caught her by surprise.

No, Li Qinyue seemed to have foreseen it. She said that she would prepare her for another identity, but Zhuo Zhi thought that at best, it was just to deal with people like Han Ziyang.

It now appears that Li Qinyue discussed a bunch of sexual issues with her on Huxin Island at noon, which are also related.

Zhuo Zhi was a little bit remorseful and annoyed. He felt that he was too careless and too careless, which led to such a bad situation now.

She frowned and lowered her head, her fingers almost twisted behind her back.

The old man waited for a while, didn't wait for Zhuo Zhi to speak, sighed, and said: "Don't be afraid, I know it's definitely not your idea. You are young and innocent, and you don't want to think about the messy things, I let you To go to Qin Yue's side is to fancy you, but I didn't expect..."

Having said that, he paused, then turned back: "Just tell me what Qin Yue thinks. I am her grandfather. She grew up with me when she was a child. I have to know what she really thinks. . "

This made Zhuo Zhi's chest sore, and she finally spoke: "Sister Qin Yue doesn't want to go on a blind date."

"Do not want a blind date goes home her second child, is not to say it?"

"That's because that Young Master Zhang has a character problem." Zhuo Zhi raised his head and looked at the old man. "Others, regardless of character problems, successful careers or unsuccessful careers, sister Qin Yue doesn't want to deal with each other."

"She doesn't like all of them?" the old man asked, "then Ziyang today..."

"Sister do not like him."

"Well, she doesn't like to do it one or two, and we didn't force her to marry someone. Why is she going to be like this!"

Zhuo Zhi paused for a while, whispered twice, and said, "Actually, it's forced."

The old man looked at her and was surprised: "What age is it now, what can I force her to do, what can I force her to do, she didn't follow her father's instructions!"

"The sister said she could not years ago, the city of South China Sea." Zhuo juvenile Road.

"She's playing too crazy!" The old man slapped the table with anger. "She played all those bungee jumping, which one is not for her life, can she let her play like this!"

"If it weren't for me, you and Uncle Li would definitely arrange a blind date for your sister during Chinese New Year this year."

The old man patted the table again and sighed three times: "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Zhuo juvenile stopped talking, looked down at the toes.

After a while, the old man said: "What I told you at the beginning, do you still remember?"

Zhuo Zhi nodded: "Remember, you said that you let me look at her and protect her. It's best not to let her leave my sight. You also said that if you can, you must make her happy."

Father said: "Then you helped her a do bad things?"

"I didn't." Zhuo Zhi raised his head and said firmly, "Sister Qin Yue is a very good, very good person. We have never done anything bad."

The old man waved his hand, seemingly tired: "Well, starting from today, you don't need to be with Qin Yue anymore. I'll find another job for you..."

"Mr. Li!" Zhuo Zhi was anxious, "I have done what you confessed, and I am also willing to stay with Sister Qin Yue."

"Why are you staying?" The old man looked at her, "Would you stay and do wicked things with her?"

It was a big rebellion, these four words exploded on Zhuo Zhi's head like thunder.

During the days when she and Li Qinyue were together, she had seen a lot of things she hadn't seen before, saw many people, fought several times, laughed, cried, angered, and saddened.

Never too outrageous.

They even punish evil and promote good when they see injustice, and they have a clear conscience in everything, every day.

Not to mention that Li Qinyue made her fake girlfriend today just to resist the persecution of the family. Even if the girlfriend is real, the matter of sexuality is love, freedom, and an established fact that cannot be controlled.

What is outrageous is not wrong.

This does not love the opposite sex, have to let her love.

If you love a person of the same sex, you must convict, criticize, and separate them.

This is not persecution that?

Zhuo Zhi felt that his hands and feet were numb, and his back was cold, which was even more creepy than before.

She remembered the night when she was in that ordinary house with the drunk Li Qinyue. Li Qinyue was talking about her family, her words were fragmented and smiling, but her eyes were full of sadness.

Zhuo Zhi once felt that having a family member is the best thing. Only at this moment did she suddenly understand Li Qinyue's emotions, helplessness and deep pressure.

No one can force Zhuo Zhi to do things she really doesn't want. Zhuo Zhi feels that Li Qinyue should do the same.

Everyone the same.

The writhing emotions in her chest, like a belated rebellion in adolescence, determined to stand on the same front as Li Qinyue thoroughly.

Zhuo Zhi took a step back, bowed to the old man, and said, "Mr. Li, I'm sorry."

The old man looked at her, Zhuo Zhi raised his head and his eyes were firm, as solemnly and seriously as when he had promised him to take care of Li Qinyue.

"Regardless of whether there is a contract or not, I will stay with Li Qinyue." Zhuo Zhi said, "until she doesn't need me."