After one punch I was knocked out, after I woke up, we continued, and I was knocked out once again with one punch, and with two punches.
After three punches my brain registered it, and I dodged the attack, before another punch came at me, and I was knocked out again.
This was teaching me something, this was teaching me how to fight in the basics.
In my previous life, I never new how to fight at all, I never had to fight, so it didn't make sense to learn how to fight.
Although, most people will be a contrarian, and those people would probably be right.
You need to learn how to fight to properly defend myself.
But know, I wasn't a nerd, or a weeb, or a shut in, I was a normal guy, with a normal life., with diverse friends that had a lot of different backgrounds.
I didn't really need to be taught self defense, because nobody really wanted to fight me, I wasn't really bullied either, I was just me. I was just chillin and having fun throughout my school days.
Even if someone was being a dick, I would always surround myself with friends and family, so they would step in and defend me. It was numbers against numbers, so I never really needed to fight anyone, we all had eachothers backs.
That and you can win a fight with a human by not fighting.
It's very easy if you have the brains to do so.
I had those brains.
Now though I was being trained to fight, and I could feel myself... I could feel my body being forcefully taught in how to fight, by brute strength alone.
By getting myself beaten up, I was learning, and it wasn't getting knocked out and then I was done for the day, no, I would get back up and I would try again, and again, and again.
My father didn't walk away when I was knocked out the first time.
Though, why did he train me like this, I figured that he didn't really know how to train people, but as my father, he wanted to be the one to train me. Which made sense really, I could be wrong, maybe it was exactly.
Then again as he said before, sometimes you got to walk, before you could run. I thought that was an earth... or maybe I should say Midgard, since I am an Asgardian and all.
I thought it was a Midgardian saying, but then again, the saying meaning is pretty basic, so basic, that anyone could understand. Basic really shouldn't be the word to describe it.
Multi-Universal, the meaning of the saying is pretty universal. So it wouldn't be surprise if the Asgardian people, now my people, know of that saying.
So, maybe, after I learn to walk, then I will learn how to run.
After I learn how to throw or dodge a punch, I can learn to fight.
The first day I was not counting how many punches I dodged, but I was still beaten up.
The next day I was dodged, more and beaten up.
The next day I was able to block a punch, but I broke my hand, my mother healed my hand with her own magic.
But that didn't stop him, he continued to train my stamina, he continued to force me to fight.
"Asgardian Survival instincts." he said, "you are a much more fast of a learner than most." there was a short pause before he continued, "your own fear strengthens you while fear swallows others, that is a unique quality to have."
I nodded and took those words to heart, I was unique! and he was right, in all of my life I thought I was average. But I remember an average person does not do what I do when he is fearful, no, an average person is far more pathetic, and does stupid, and dark things in the midst of fear, but I couldn't blame them for that, nor could I really call them pathetic really, that's a part of what being a human is, but even as an Asgardian he was trying to say the samething, so I guess the meaning of the saying, "I am only human, after all."
Is Multi-universal as well.
Also, perhaps I am the God of Fear.
Although the name sounds, dark and evil, it doesn't have to be.
I could be the manager of fear managing fear in the hearts of others, making them progress instead of running away or stuff.
Although it would be better if I wasn't
Two months later, I was now Six years old, and I now finally know how to fight normally with my father..Normally as in, normally for Asgardian Standards.
As Asgardians had much longer lives compared to that of humans, that also had more endurance, and could take hits, that a normal Human or mortal would not be able to take.
Although I was still losing to my father. I was a lot better than I had been when I started two months ago.
Failure is the key to success.
Once I was able to keep up, and fight as long as an average asgardian, which was a very long time, Buri stopped.
"Now that you have decent amounts of endurance, it is time for your next face of your training," Buri paused for a moment, before he continued, "Next with me you will be focusing on your skills, now that you know how to fight like an average Asgardian, we will be focusing on fighting itself, you will learn how to fight in style, you will learn how to fight, with honor, you will learn how to fight like an Asgardian, , you will know how to fight, as a Prince, and most importantly..."
Buri paused for a moment, as he looked deep into my eyes, it was as if he was looking through my very soul.
"You will know how to fight, as yourself."
How was it?
Like it?
Hate it?
Tell me why?
Or if you can't and just hate it
You can Kiss my ass...
and get the hell out.
Have a nice day
Zack out.