Astute Extraction

Slick soles hurry along smooth stone as the thighs that carry them ache from a not-long-passed hike up mountain trails. Tiring lungs that burn more with each new breath continue to work, struggling to bring the trio to Achlys' chambers. Others within the keep's walls- be it servants, councilmen, vain informants, or other Nostrum- watch them pass with curious eyes, but do not dare to stop them for answers. Briar's lead and expression alone make the situation's urgency undeniably clear, and his determination even more so. As they approach the chamber door, two more Nostrum make themselves known; Standing up from a nearby bench and abandoning the conversation at hand, the men block off Achlys' door with their hands on open holsters.

"What's going on?" Cronn wonders, having never seen guards posted in such a place.

"Halt!" One of the men demands, adjusting his stance to display authority.

"Convener Achlys will not be accepting visitors at this time. State your business and we will pass it along at her discretion." The other exclaims.

As the first's palm finds itself planted against Briar's chest, a hasty blow to one side of their head breaks the contact. Momentarily stunned, the Nostrum remains grounded, looking up at his attacker. Drawing a pistol as his partner is subdued by Cronn, the Nostrum finds another to be pressed against his already aching temple. Freezing up, he shifts his focus onto Belial, whose empty gaze pierces his trembling soul.

"What will it be? Amendable Nostrum or Heretic Corpse?" Belial's firearm rests mere inches from the man's face as he speaks these words. The inner barrel of his own gun; No darker than his desire to send a bullet rattling about in the other's skull.

Looking back at the struggle just in time to see Cronn split the second guard's nose wide open with a well-placed elbow, he begrudgingly lowers his firearm. Belial does the same in response.

"Wise choice."

"What's going on here?" A gasping Cronn and prideful Belial look towards the now open door, where Briar had just reached for the handle. A perturbed Achlys, stands in the archway, appalled by the chaos that has unfolded just beyond the barrier of her sanctuary. "By the Gods, relinquish these abominable antics! Purebloods in conflict with Purebloods are in opposition of our creed!"

"Then why bar our access to a source such as yourself using our own men?" Belial barks back, returning his pistol to its holster.

Shocked by Belial's outburst- as it is the first she has had directed at her by him- she cocks her head back and lets her mouth fall agape.

"We did nothing to them!" The first shouts out. "They attacked us!"

"Preventing information from being shared with any member of The Council is considered an act of perfidy. Your actions here were to be taken as a threat, and as such, we were forced to deal with them accordingly." Belial spits, his nostrils flaring with offense. "Your ignorance outshines your position among Purebloods."

"Enough!" Achlys demands, throwing an arm outwards as if to strike at Belial's assessments. "These men are posted at my door, per my request. In no way were they meant to keep information from reaching my ears. They are here to protect council members, as are several more who have been posted at the steads of the other councilmen. Now, tell me; What is the source of urgency behind this?"

Briar removes the cloth from its stored location and motions with his eyes to be let inside Achlys' quarters. Acknowledging this, she steps aside, allowing only him to pass.

"Nostrum Cronn, Nostrum Belial, you'll have to await Nostrum Briar's return."

"Convener Achlys, if I may-"

"Assist Nostrum Bover and Nostrum Houghrey with cleaning up. Not a speck of blood is to remain on these floors."

Before Cronn can even attempt to speak once more, the door slams shut.

"So much for there being no more secrecy." Belial irritably points out as he lifts the second- Nostrum Houghrey- off the ground; Ignoring Bover's shaking hand, as the urge to shoot him is still far too great.

"I've seen a fair amount of fights break out in my time here, but never on such terms." Achlys explains, stomping around her desk as she does so before throwing herself into the chair behind it. "What could be so urgent that it would justify these actions?"

Briar doesn't speak on this. Instead, he takes the cloth in hand and lightly drops it against the desk. As it lands- partly opening in the process- the strong odor within bursts free. Achlys immediately gags, but Briar, having kept his face covering up, in anticipation, does not.

"Is that...?"

"Indeed, it is." Briar begins pulling the cloth back further, but Achlys places a hand over his wrist.

"No need to show me more, just cover it. Please."

Satisfied with her response, he does so. Then, takes a seat across from her.

"The Knellers didn't come here to recruit beasts from worlds beyond our own. They came to recruit a beast that is already here."

"My thoughts exactly." Achlys claims, keeping her nose covered with an open palm. "Is this the only one you've found?"

"Unfortunately so. We failed to check the first that we came across."

"Wait." Achlys raises a brow as she checks that the air is, once again, pure. "Does that mean you three have only managed to track down two Knellers total?"

"Yes." He confirms, regret resting in the back of his throat. "Belial was not yet recuperated from his previous encounter. He fell ill early on in the night."

"Most hapless." Pity and forgiveness fill her voice as she continues. "I'll have to tell the rest of The Council of your findings before a decision can be made on what to do next."

"Convener, if I could be so blunt, I think it best that we call a retreat from the field so that we don't lose more Nostrum before we've even had a chance to combat this."

"I understand, but regrettably, it is not a decision I feel fit to make alone."

Stunned by these words, but knowing Achlys means only the best, Briar falls speechless. Only being able to look upon her in disbelief and helplessness.

"Please, understand me. I wish only for the best. I have come to know you very well in the time we have worked together, young Briar. And you, I. I know you've thought the events to follow through very well. So, I am certain that even you have worries that even this specific fungal growth could have easily created a scent trail for the abomination to follow.

"So, you fear that another band of Nostrum has found what we've found?"

"Precisely." Achlys speaks in her usual, soft tone. "If they have, and we call for their return, we risk several more potential trails for... it... to follow."

"So, what should we do?"

Achlys turns to face the window she has always done her thinking through and falls silent for several moments.

"Brutes, belligerent, primitive, impure. No man who has been infected could have the mental capacity to know of this reagent's location, or how to dispense it amongst The Knellers so efficiently."

"What are you saying?" Briar begs, eager to hear Achlys' thoughts.

"I'll speak with the others. You and your cluster may decide the next move on your end. You can either remain here at the keep. Or, you can seek out what Nostrum are still on the field. Question them on their own findings. Destroy any of these that you come across." Achlys jabs a finger into the cloth, clearly damaging the rotting thing that resides within it. "I'll keep this one for now. It's ash will be buried six feet under after I present it to The Council as a whole."

Briar nods, gets to his feet, and turns for the door.

"As you wish, Convener. We will be setting out once more to find the others then."

"So be it." Achlys taps against the sturdy surface of her desk before looking back towards the window. "One last thing, Nostrum." Briar pauses at the door, awaiting her continuation. "Tell no one what we've spoken about. I smell a rat in the walls."