Oh death leave me be

The sirens blared louder, a cacophony signaling the arrival of reinforcements...more cops. Where was the rescue team when I needed them?

Rivulets of sweat streamed down my body, drenching me in fear. I dared not glance downward, terrified of the dizzying abyss awaiting me. The thought of dangling from the tallest building in the city was beyond anything I had ever imagined. The sheer terror I felt in that moment could scar me for life.

"Someone, please do something! Why isn't anyone helping?" a desperate voice cried out, frustration and panic tingeing every word.

Reluctantly, I raised my gaze, only to hear the unsettling creaking sound above.

When I slipped and began my descent, I prayed silently, hoping against hope that I wouldn't meet my demise, not like this, not now. In a twist of fate, I found myself grasping onto an inexplicable wire that materialized out of thin air. There was no time to ponder the illogical events unfolding around me.

"Oh God, please don't let this be the wire I'm clinging to. I don't want to die like this," I silently pleaded, a sense of helplessness consuming me. Unfortunately, it seemed as if the heavens were conspiring against me, for the wire loosened its grip, hurtling me downward once more. It felt as if some cruel puppeteer was toying with my life, reveling in my suffering.


Meanwhile, a mysterious figure donning a two-eyed color eagle baseball cap dashed towards the summit of the building. Scaling the stairs three at a time, he couldn't ignore the cries and shouts echoing through the corridors.

Reaching the nearest window overlooking the scene, he peered outside and gasped at the sight of her descent—graceful as a falling leaf—until she abruptly halted. A collective sigh of relief swept through the crowd. Determined, he resumed his ascent, calculating the floor where the window closest to her would be.

Down below, Samantha erupted in a fit of anger, seizing the nearest police officer and unleashing a torrent of desperate pleas. "You have to do something! If she falls and dies, I swear you'll all live to regret it!"

She snatched the officer's cap from his head and hurled it away, an impulsive act reflecting her raw emotions. Two cops rushed to restrain her, fearing she might commit an act of aggression against a law enforcement officer. But it seemed she had already crossed into a realm of madness, with no return in sight. With fierce determination, she sunk her teeth into the first officer's arm, snarling at the second.

Two more officers joined the fray, their collective strength required to subdue her as they swiftly applied handcuffs.

Samantha continued to struggle, her resistance fueled by her realization that she was now shackled. But a moment of clarity finally pierced through her anguish, and tears streamed down her face, mingling with the remnants of her rage.

"Please, help her! Don't let her die!" Samantha pleaded through her tears, her voice choked with desperation. "I swear on my son's life that she isn't trying to commit suicide. Someone must have knocked her unconscious and put her there."

A sleek black car pulled up near the scene, drawing everyone's attention. A man dressed entirely in black stepped out, exuding an air of authority that commanded respect. As he made his way towards the commotion, every police officer nodded in acknowledgment.

"Officer Jake?" the man called out.

The officer turned swiftly, snapping to attention. "Sir!"

"What is happening here? Why is there a girl dangling from the tallest building in the city, and why the hell is no one doing anything?" he asked, his anger palpable.

"Sir... we are trying, but we can't seem to open the door leading to the roof, and there's no other route to reach her," Officer Jake quickly explained, fearing his boss's wrath.

"Where is the rescue team?" the boss inquired sharply.

"Sir, we've already called, but the ladder fire truck is stuck in traffic. No matter how much they try to clear the road, more cars just seem to appear. It's unusually congested today. Additionally, the rooftop's slanted design makes it impossible to position an airbag," Officer Jake nervously replied.

The boss erupted in frustration. "If a damn helicopter is what it takes to save her, then bring in a damn helicopter!"

The officer gulped and nodded frantically, his mind racing for a solution. Another officer interjected, joining the conversation. "Sir, I've already spoken with the colonel, but he said the weather conditions aren't suitable for flying, and he isn't willing to risk his soldiers' lives for a woman who might be seeking attention or attempting suicide."

"Damn it!" the boss exclaimed, his patience wearing thin. "This is America. Since when do we toy with lives? Something strange is going on here, and I don't understand it yet, but I will figure it out. Is there absolutely no other way?"

"No, sir," the officers responded in unison, their voices filled with frustration and helplessness.

"How the hell did she end up there? What were the workers and security doing when a woman entered the building and reached the rooftop?" the boss questioned sternly.

"They all claim they didn't see her go in," Officer Jake nervously replied.

"They're obviously lying. Did you not check the security cameras?" the boss pressed.

"We did, sir. One minute, she was spotted outside the building, seemingly talking to an invisible person like a madwoman, and the next, she vanished. Then, people found her at the edge of the building, apparently attempting suicide," Officer Jake explained.

"So, you're telling me that she went from being outside the 100-floor building to magically appearing at the very top without actually entering the premises?" the boss asked incredulously.

Officer Jake nodded apprehensively, aware that the sequence of events defied all logical reasoning.

"Her friend over there claims she isn't trying to commit suicide," the officer pointed to the emotionally drained Samantha on the floor.

The boss observed Samantha's distressed state and furrowed his brow. "Release her."

Officer Jake was taken aback by the boss's order, perplexed as to why he didn't inquire about the reasons for Samantha's handcuffing. Nevertheless, he complied with his superior's command.

As Samantha's restraints were removed, she remained on the ground, curling up into a ball and releasing a torrent of tears.

The boss fell into deep thought, his gaze fixated on the girl clinging to the wire with fading strength. It was only a matter of time before she would inevitably plummet, and nobody would be able to save her.

"Did she really reach the rooftop without entering the building, as they claimed? And if she did, how was she able to access a locked rooftop that has been off-limits for years? It's simply impossible!" the boss contemplated, his mind racing to unravel the enigma before him.