
I stretched out my trembling hand, reaching tentatively to touch his face. As my fingertips made contact, a surge of excruciating pain shot through me, awakening the numbed senses. I cried out, my voice a mixture of anguish and frustration. "If you're truly here, Sei, why does the pain persist? Please, take it away... please."

In the corner of my weary eyes, I noticed Xavier's presence. My hurt, pain, and frustration overflowed, and I directed my emotions towards him. Ignoring the throbbing ache in my head, I lashed out sarcastically. "Ah, Xavier, such impeccable timing. Your companion nearly succeeded in ending my life."

"I'm glad Sei arrived in time, and I apologize. I would never have allowed this to happen to you," Xavier responded earnestly.

The absurdity of Xavier's claim struck me, and I couldn't help but question him. How could he possibly know Sei? Perhaps all angels and demons were acquainted with one another. A myriad of questions swirled in my mind, threatening to drive me to the brink of madness. Yet, instead of asking about Sei, I inquired about someone I knew to be a greater threat. "Where is Glade?"

Sei rose from his position, granting me a clear view. Following his gaze, I gasped in horror at the sight that befell my eyes. It was too ghastly, too grotesque to put into words. Hastily, I averted my gaze, refusing to feel even an ounce of pity for that abomination.

Summoning my courage, I mustered the strength to ask a question I had been desperately yearning to pose. "Sei, what is happening?"

He stood near me, yet it felt as if a vast expanse separated us. Sei didn't respond to my query; instead, his gaze pierced through me, as though he were delving into the depths of my soul.

"Alora!" A voice resonated, its soothing timbre washing over me, bringing solace to my tormented spirit.

I recognized that voice. Impossible! There was no way she could be here. I must be hallucinating, my mind distorted by the injuries sustained.

"Alora!" the voice called again, and certainty washed over me as Samantha came sprinting towards me. I longed to rise and meet her halfway, but my broken leg and the pounding in my head held me captive. Fragments of my skull may have been held together by mere threads, and numerous bones in my body were shattered, but miraculously, my teeth remained intact. It was a wonder that I clung to life. I had nearly been slain by a demon, and now, I found myself entangled in this surreal, nightmarish predicament, pursued by malevolence and danger.

Finally, Samantha reached me, her gentle touch embracing my broken form. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably, a torrent of overwhelming relief and joy at the sight of her. Never before had I believed that encountering a fellow human could bring such profound happiness.

Her deep green eyes locked with mine, brimming with concern. "Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not," I sobbed, trembling violently. "I likely have a fractured skull, ribs crushed, bones shattered, and a leg dislocated. Yet, miraculously, my teeth remain unscathed. It's a wonder I'm still breathing, considering the twisted web of darkness that ensnares me. I'm pursued by nefarious individuals and plagued by imminent peril." My voice cracked, and my body shook with the weight of my words. Then, a realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. "But Sam, how did you..." My sentence trailed off as her eyes shifted, alternating between vibrant green and ominous black.

"You are not Sam!" I recoiled, forcefully pushing the stranger away from me, my fear transmuting into aggression.

Xavier swiftly intervened, pushing the imposter away and positioning himself protectively over me. "Enough with your tricks, Gluttonia," Xavier declared firmly.

Gluttonia, wearing a deceitful smile, responded to Xavier's accusation. "You're always the one to spoil the fun! What more does she need than her best friend by her side?" The sight of that smile sent shivers down my spine. Gluttonia rolled Sam's eyes, his gaze landing on the pitiful figure that was once Glade behind me. Suddenly, in Sam's voice, he let out a piercing shriek that assaulted my ears. "Sei!!!!!!!! What did you do to my demon?!"

Assessing the damage inflicted upon Glade, Gluttonia shot Sei an accusatory look. "I knew you always wanted a chance to eliminate Glade, but this was entirely unnecessary."

"Oh, come on! It's just a few superficial cuts here and there. Besides, she's not even dead. A few patches, and she'll be good as new," Xavier stated with an air of nonchalance, as if this were a scene that had played out countless times before. "Change back to your normal form, Gluttonia. That woman's face is unsettling."

Gluttonia groaned, rolling his eyes so far back it seemed as though they might detach. Slowly, agonizingly, he began the transformation back to his human form or illusionary appearance. The sound of bones cracking, bending, and straightening filled the air, causing an unsettling discomfort.

He glanced up at me and let out a soft sigh. "Give me a moment. It's best for you to close your ears, Lora. You've heard enough disturbing things today."

How considerate of him, I thought sarcastically.

"Damn! Why does it have to be so painfully slow every time I change?" he complained, addressing no one in particular.

Xavier rolled his eyes in response.

Once Gluttonia had fully reverted to his human form, I breathed a sigh of relief that he had not chosen to remain in his demonic appearance. He gave me a once-over and let out a heavy sigh. "This is a difficult decision to make now. We've already found the half-angel, and we no longer have any need for you to stay alive. However, I really don't want to kill you."

"What?!" Xavier exclaimed in disbelief. "What do you mean you found the half-angel?"

"Zahel, Zahel, Zahel, always the ignorant kid," Gluttonia chided. "Sei found the half-angel, that's why he's here. What other reason do you think brought him here?"

Gluttonia, growing impatient demanded. "Why are you here, Sei? Explain yourself to Alora."

Sei remained silent for a few agonizing moments, tension thickening in the air. Finally, his voice cut through the silence. "To finish you off," Sei stated plainly, his words directed at me.

My blood ran cold, my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn't believe the words that fell from Sei's lips. It felt like a cruel joke, akin to the moment Reiner Braun revealed himself as the Armored Titan to Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan. Except, I wasn't prepared for this revelation. I had been living with a being who claimed to be an angel but was, in reality, a demon in disguise.

A bitter laugh escaped my lips. The laughter was tinged with pain and shattered hope. "So, I've been living with a fucking demon who lied and pretended to be an angel," I said, my voice filled with both anger and disbelief.

Sei continued, explaining the reason behind his intentions and ignoring my comment in the process. "Lucian believes Alora poses a threat to our race. The half-angel already knows about her and is searching for her. There's no way to keep her alive; she must be eliminated."

"Oh! Then we simply don't make them meet. If I take Alora to hell and make her my queen she would never some in contact with the angel girl. Problem solved." Gluttonia smiled triumphantly liked he just gave the world the idea to solve world hunger. Both Men growled and Gluttonia raised his hand in surrender. "It was just an idea, a very brilliant one though."

"So, you're really here to finish here off? " Xavier slowly and cautiously asked.

"YES" Sei responded without hesitating.

My denial clashed with the ringing in my ears, drowning out Sei's words. I couldn't bear to listen any longer. However, Xavier refused to let Sei carry out his plan without a fight.

"I won't let you take her life," Xavier declared, his voice filled with determination.

Sei sighed, as if he were an adult about to explain something difficult to a child. "This is not the time to get emotional, Zahel," he said dismissively. "She's not Amadora, and even if she were, it wouldn't make any difference. I would kill her anyway, and you can't stop me."

My locked eyes with Sei, desperately searching for any hint of a plan or a glimmer of hope. But I found nothing. Sei's gaze remained cold and unyielding, causing me to shiver involuntarily.

Xavier, unable to bear the situation any longer, charged at Sei with ferocity. However, Sei effortlessly backhanded him, sending Xavier crashing to the ground, blood escaping his lips.

"Go back home, Zahel, before I send you back. Trust me, it wouldn't be a pleasant ride," Sei warned in a low, dangerous voice.

"You wouldn't dare," Xavier retorted defiantly.

Xavier's voice erupted in a guttural yell, filled with an overwhelming mix of anger and betrayal charged at Sei again. His entire being surged with a raw determination as he launched himself at Sei, fueled by the desire to protect me and avenge the shattered trust.

With an explosive burst of energy, Xavier closed the distance between himself and Sei in an instant. His movements were swift and precise, reflecting the intensity of his emotions. Every muscle in his body strained as he unleashed a torrent of strikes, his fists colliding with Sei's form.

But Sei, the formidable opponent that he was, effortlessly deflected Xavier's furious onslaught. His movements were fluid and controlled, his every action calculated to counter Xavier's attacks. Despite Xavier's relentless assault, Sei remained composed, almost unperturbed.

As Xavier's fists connected with nothing but air, frustration mingled with his burning rage. He refused to relent, pushing his limits to overpower Sei and protect the woman who looked just like the woman he loved. He wouldn't lose her again. Each blow he delivered was imbued with a determination that surpassed his own physical strength.

However, Sei's superior skill and supernatural abilities couldn't be easily overcome. With a swift motion, he retaliated, a single strike that landed with devastating force. Xavier was sent hurtling backward, crashing against the unforgiving ground with a sickening thud.

Coughing up blood, Xavier struggled to regain his footing, pain surging through his body. But his spirit remained unyielding, his eyes locked on Sei with an unwavering resolve. Bruised and battered, he pushed himself back up, refusing to let his shattered faith extinguish his determination.

"You think this changes anything?" Xavier's voice trembled, laced with defiance. "I won't stop fighting for her. You may have the power, but I have something you'll never understand—a love that defies everything you represent."

Sei's cold expression faltered for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face, but that expression was gone within seconds.

Xavier's desperation filled the air as he watched Sei overpower him. The disbelief in Xavier's eyes slowly turned into a simmering anger. He couldn't comprehend why Sei, the one who had promised to protect Alora, had turned against them.

"You promised me you were going to protect her," Xavier seethed, his voice laced with a mix of betrayal and fury. "That was why I allowed you to manipulate her, why you took away her memories. She proved herself to be human, damn it! Why are you doing this?"

Gluttonia, growing impatient with the drama, interjected, "Enough of this. Let's get down to business. I have women waiting for me." He suggested a sinister idea to Sei. "It would be perfect if Zahel stayed and watched you kill his lover's replica."

Xavier shot Gluttonia a dirty look. "I thought you were on my side!"

Gluttonia shrugged callously. "If I can't have her, what use is she to me alive?"

Sei's gaze locked onto mine, and I met his stare head-on. Numbness had overtaken me—I was physically, emotionally, and mentally drained. I no longer felt fear; instead, I stared back at Sei, my eyes void of any emotion.

Without warning, Sei bent down and tilted my head, ensuring I had a clear view of him. A smirk twisted his features as he plunged a gleaming, razor-sharp dagger deep into my chest.

From afar, a chilling and heart-wrenching scream of "noooo" pierced the air, yet its impact felt futile, for my impending demise seemed inevitable. Pain jolted through my body, momentarily snapping me back to reality. But it was short-lived, as my vision blurred and darkness encroached.

Death's cold, painful hands claimed me, and with one final glare of intense hatred, I succumbed to the void.