Chapter 56: Losing himself


Damon's stationary figure vanished and appeared in front of the enemy with his claws shooting at the fox spirit! In response, she threw an open palm of her own!


To her surprise as soon as her palm met that of Damon, she felt an incredible force explode from his body, sending her flying back by a few meters. Her eyes revealed shock as she gazed at her numb palm and wondered what just happened.

Looking ahead, she could see Lucy's figure slowly fading. She had already escaped the formation but she wasn't worried about her contacting the arch mage and other professors. When Lucy arrived she revealed her identity as a basilisk when she attacked. A supernatural being will not make direct contact with powerful figures who can see through them until they are strong enough to defend themselves.

Her departure was not going to affect her plans in any way, especially since her main target is still oblivious to what is about to happen right now.
