Chapter 64: Recruiting Lucy

"What the hell are you doing?" Lucy broke free from Damon's loose grip and walked to a lonely part of the large room with a reddened face. It wasn't that she felt disturbed by Damon touching her, it was disturbing that he was doing it in front of the others.

Her face was reddened as she gazed at Damon fiercely waiting for an explanation but she soon realized everyone in the room had a cold expression on their faces. It seemed like they were completely different now since the playful side of them was gone.

"How much do you know about the guardian spirit hosts?" Damon sighed and asked while jumping on his bed.

He lay there casually as he asked the question with a calm look on his face. His question was quite simple but when Lucy opened her mouth she couldn't speak or at least she couldn't find words to say.