Chapter 116: Taking on the blood clan alone!

For an entire month, Damon just kept walking without stopping. Never did he look back once nor did he rest and so did Kaido. Following him for an entire month has been the greatest pain of his life. His feet were bleeding with so many blisters, one would be shocked but it was expected for someone with no shoes or anything.

For any entire mind, Damon had been following the strongest stench of death on the continent just to find these people and after a month he had arrived at the foot of the familiar mountain!


Damon heard a sound behind him and turned, Kaido had collapsed. For the past month, Damon had allowed his aura to leak and flow into the kid to help lessen the burden of their journey but he also acknowledged that they only got this far because of the kid's extraordinary determination!

"Impressive! Truly impressive!" Damon said with a straight face as he flicked his finger and the earth beneath them began to tremble slightly.