Chapter 122: Undying Lone wolf

In an old mansion, Damon sat in a cross-legged position while meditating silently. Behind him stood Cassius Blood and Kaido, gazing at his bare back with complicated looks on their faces. They watched as the countless tattoos on his body were moving rapidly, taking the form of something different.

The battle had ended and Damon had killed every single vampire in the blood mountain. Adding them to his undead forces he now has a terrifying fighting force of close to a million soldiers! The star alliance sect had truly dealt a major blow and had reduced the numbers of these vampires making Damon more curious about them.

"What's happening?" Kaido asked as he gazed at Damon with a concerned look on his face.

As his master, Damon was the only person who could hold Cassius Blood down and make him behave properly. Right now his aura seems unstable and fluctuating, if something happens to him, he is as good as dead.