Chapter 126: You don't stand a chance!

After a very long journey, Blink retired to his room without having dinner. So far since meeting the kid, Damon has been using his aura to nourish his body, preventing him from feeling hungry but he could only do this for so long.

Blood mountain was like a desolate place with literally nothing but blood. It was a total mess, Damon needed to fix it if he has plans of creating a county of his own which will be incredibly safe for everyone he cares about.

But how?

Regardless of the fact that he achieved greater strength, faster than his peers, Damon was still a youth with little to no experience in administration. He needed someone capable of running a country while he would remain in the background as its shield.

Outside that, he needed some cultivation manuals for spatial magic. As Blink was not a recognized host of the cosmic spirits, he only had the potential to learn the cosmic being's power but how could he learn something he knows nothing about?