Chapter 130: Confrontation

[Royal palace]

Seated on the throne, the son of heaven and all the officials paled as they heard the furious Cries directed at them. They gazed at each other and even the arch mage Kratos and Duke Hail were stunned. After five years, the kid they both believed was outstanding has returned to take their heads.

Pope Light remained seated with a calm expression on his face. The calmness in his eyes was enough to calm everyone down, especially those who were truly anxious.

Over the centuries it has been recorded that the death mage has been capable of. Seeing Damon was coming for them, it meant he must have reached a level.


While everyone was still contemplating, the doors of the royal palace courtroom swung open as a man dressed in a golden battle armor with the symbol of the sun on his chest plate appeared. On his back was a massive golden greatsword and his golden hair was haggard and spiky.