Chapter 170: Joining hands with the enemy

Death magic; one with death?

The silver and red dragon was confused since the name sounded familiar but strange as well.


The bone pyramid crumbled but Damon didn't bother dodging the attack. He casually raised his hand slowly and caught the red beam without fear!


Even his body remained unmoving under the attack and his gaze unfazed. Within the pitch-black eyes were three green pupils in each eye, roaming around his eyeballs without restraint. His body was ghastly like that of a ghost which could fade away at any time meanwhile his aura felt like that of a thousand people fused into one.

"That power!" Fei muttered with visible fear in his eyes as he gazed at Damon and felt reluctant to continue the fight.

He could remember the stories of the past hosts and their battles with the old gods or the mortals. In those stories, the death mage has always been the last to die and it was because of this one technique.

Death magic; one with death!