Chapter 189: A gamble


The doors of the courtroom opened and Sol walked in with Gin, Cyrus, and Elsa following him tightly from behind. Sol's calm gaze shifted to the figure seated on the throne while having bandages wrapped around him.

Seeing Blink seated shirtless with so many sword cut wounds, everyone was stunned. Cyrus, Gin, and Elsa were not expecting to see this, since the kid they left behind was a fourteen-year-old boy who apparently loves to play all day. His current looks were completely different from what they remembered. The cold look in his eyes seemed focused on Damon's body housing the devil himself, Sol.

"I guess Damon Ross did a good thing when picking his successor. You surely surpassed his expectations" Sol said with a slight nod.

Coming here they could see the chaos and battle that just took place. Coming in here and seeing the way everyone treated Blink it was obvious he took charge while they were gone and has been protecting the blood mountain since then.