Chapter 191: A month later

Damon pushed thoughts aside and quickly sat with his legs crossed. He didn't have time to bother about Sol's words, for now, there were more pressing matters at hand. Although he didn't think Sol was lying, he refused to believe Sol was honest as well.

He could feel the presence of death getting stronger in him each time he got stronger but he could also feel the death magic fusing with his body and soul, giving him a greater understanding of his power. He strongly believed by the time he got to the stage where Sol would manifest again, he would have the strength to fight back.


Damon exhaled and his eyes revealed countless emotions. During his time trapped in the black pool and Sol piloting his body, he was able to look through the mind of Sol and he got a better understanding of the world around him and his power.

Death is no separate entity.

Death and life work hand in hand.

If any exists without the other it would spell doom for the world.