Chapter 214: Blink's blunder

"You don't have to worry. You will be granted that reward when I take Gyro and make it mine" Damon said coldly.



Damon frowned deeply as he gazed at the man. His hand opened slightly and the death scythe took form from nothing. At a moment, Damon was without a weapon but now he had one in his hands.

"My family stood and protected this kingdom for more than four generations. I would have loved to stand aside knowing how powerless I am to you but I can't! Daniel Ross said with a bitter smile on his face.

His eyes seemed tired and weak as if he had no other choice. As a weak man, he could only let his fate be decided by others. Since Gyro has decided to sacrifice him, he will serve Gyro as a sacrifice.

"You…" Damon frowned but his mind was in complete turmoil. He couldn't bring himself to harm Daniel Ross.

"If you are unwilling to take my life, then turn back! Please!" Daniel Ross begged and bowed deeply making the frown on Damon's face deepen.