Chapter 239: 10 years later

....Ten years later...

Gerald and the remaining forces of Gyro have done their best to take Damon's life now he was at his weakest.

They failed….

It didn't take long before the other hosts arrived and it turned into a one-sided massacre. With fury, almost all the noble families of the gyro Kingdom were wiped out in just that single night.

By the next day, the battle was over and Gyro had been taken. With the four hosts of the old gods and the twin dragon hosts killed, the foothold gained by the invaders on the continent was shattered and a fierce counterattack was launched. Apart from those who fled back to the endless seas, every other person was killed.

Within a space of a decade, a new empire was built and Damon called it immortal.

An empire that will last till the end of times, as long as he remains a deity, nothing will be able to touch them. An empire he can watch over from the heavens.