Chapter 280: Exploring at night


Cecile finally regained control over his body and exhaled loudly, drawing the attention of everyone around. They all gazed at him as if they have seen a gold mine. A strange smile crept across Robert's face as nasty thoughts plagued his mind.

'Fuck my life' Cecile lampooned in his mind.

If these people knew that the one responsible for everything was not him and the demon lord they fear, he was sure their minds wouldn't dare wonder this far.

He could only smile bitterly as everyone's attention was focused on him.

...... Later that night.....

It was late at night and no one was more exhausted than Cecile. He felt he was interrogated by the military but under Damon's direction, he took all the glory for everything that happened.

"Let them send you to the military if they wish to. In chaotic environments does my power grow, as well as yours" Damon's voice rang in Cecile's ears and he frowned.