Chapter 284: Rose Garret

..... Allen family residence.....

"He what?" Robert Allen sat up with a pale look on his face alongside other members of the Allen family.

The issue of a new Knight of light is no small news and the entire province has heard of it. It is said a knight of light, becomes a captain after training and what is more terrifying is that this was the only role one could play and he was considered as important as any other noble in the realm. If a commoner becomes a knight of light, his family will forever be covered for life by the emperor.

It was the most prestigious rank only inferior to that of the Emperor and regional heads.

But it is too risky, no one could understand why Cecile would take the risk. If he had told them this was his intention from the start they wouldn't even let him join.

It was just too risky.

"I hope you know what you are doing… champ," Robert said with a deep frown.
