Chapter 367: A monster, I have become

The nurse, taken aback by Kieran's alertness and the indifference in his gaze, stammered for a moment before composing herself. She hesitated, unsure of how to respond to such a young child speaking in such a detached manner. However, she couldn't help but empathize with his circumstances, knowing the tragic loss he had experienced.

Gathering her thoughts, the nurse replied softly, "Well, young man, it's quite remarkable that you're awake so soon. Normally, patients in your condition would require more time to recover. However, the doctors will need to assess your progress and determine when it is safe for you to leave. Rest assured, they will do their best to expedite the process."

Damon, now inhabiting Kieran's body, regarded the nurse with a mixture of understanding and impatience. While he recognized the necessity of following the proper procedures, his goals and the sin that awaited him demanded urgency.