Chapter 375: A God does not kneel

With a resounding bang, the colossal golden doors swung open, granting entrance only to Jin Yori and the seemingly indifferent Damon. They stepped into a vast and ornate grand hall, adorned with towering statues that paid homage to the king and his lineage. Along the sides of the hall, empty seats symbolizing each noble family stood as a testament to their absence. At the far end of the room, upon a majestic throne, sat a single man—the king himself—clad in regal robes of red and gold.

As Damon's presence filled the room, an unmistakable flinch coursed through the king, fear flickering briefly in his eyes. Many might have labeled the king as insecure for feeling threatened by a mere child, but the truth remained clear in the king's mind: when Damon's power grew too great for the kingdom to handle, who would be able to oppose his ascent to the throne?