Chapter 381: Light at the end of the tunnel

The entire crowd was abuzz with speculation and excitement as they witnessed the commotion caused by Damon, the renowned blood knight of Lana. People had gathered when he was apprehended by the police and escorted to the grand royal palace. The knowledge that Lana possessed a saint-grade potential had spread far and wide, leading many to assume that Damon must have an even higher potential, possibly at the emperor-grade level.

Little did they know that Damon had surpassed those expectations, elevating himself to the revered Hollow Lord grade, a realm beyond the emperor grade that only a select few could reach.

In this society, students were segregated based on both their noble lineage and talent grade. This system ensured that even individuals with superior potential grades would still be considered inferior to nobles with lower potential grades. However, within these ranks, there existed a special group of young individuals who possessed the coveted Bold blessing.