Chapter 411: Attack from the East

The moon hung low in the darkened sky as the rebel forces, driven by determination and a thirst for justice, stealthily advanced towards the imposing Eastern gate of the city. Clad in dark, weathered attire, they moved with the grace of shadows, their movements barely making a sound as they approached their target.

The Eastern gate was fortified with twenty well-trained soldiers, each one prepared to defend their post to the last breath. The night seemed eerily quiet as the rebels closed in, concealing their presence in the cover of darkness. With the element of surprise on their side, they launched their assault.

As the first rebel, clad in a mask, silently eliminated the lone sentry on watch, chaos erupted within the ranks of the gate guards. The remaining soldiers, caught off guard and outnumbered, tried to rally and form a defensive line, but the rebels moved like ghosts, striking with deadly precision.