You are not taking me this time

Damon felt a surge of relief as the doctor removed the last of the wires and tubes that connected him to the machines.

He glanced at King Von, who was sitting on a chair next to his bed, holding his hand. The king looked tired and worried, but he smiled when he saw Damon's eyes.

"Hey, buddy. How are you feeling?" King Von asked.

"I'm feeling better, thanks to you. The technology of his era is quite stunning," Damon said.

King Von shook his head. "If you guys didn't have things like this in the original world, what were you using?" He asked this question with a confused look on his face as he tried to picture what Damon's old life would have been like.

"Magic." Damon smiled weakly as he gave a brief response.

"Listen, Von. We need to get out of here as soon as possible. I don't trust this place. It's too exposed. The nobles could attack us at any moment," Damon said.