Your next alpha


Eldor swung the battle axe with ruthless precision, beheading two dwarf zombies effortlessly. But just as the axe was about to strike down the third zombie, it abruptly met an outstretched hand hidden within the group of the last three undead.

Before the battle axe could even touch the outstretched hand, it disintegrated into a cloud of dust in mere seconds. Eldor, usually composed and confident, was left dumbstruck and trembling with fear.

In all his years as a magician, he had never encountered a situation like this. He had heard of various dark magicians and their eerie abilities, but never had he witnessed a youth capable of turning anything that touched his palm into dust.

"What kind of cursed magic is this?" Eldor growled in fear as he hastily retreated, stumbling over his short legs and falling onto the ground.

