Waking Mozan

In the heart of the chaotic battlefield, Derek's puppet vampires demonstrated an uncanny swiftness, closing the distance between themselves and the two retreating vampires in a blur of motion. It was the demonic gear they wore that granted them this incredible advantage, offering speed and agility that surpassed the natural limits of their kind.

The boost provided by their blood-imbued gear was nothing short of astounding, allowing Derek's puppets to reach their quarry with breathtaking speed. As they drew near, they extended their bloodied clawed hands, slashing through the air with dangerous precision.

The two vampires, realizing the dire predicament they were in, raised their hands in a desperate attempt to defend themselves. But it was too late. The puppet vampires' clawed hands descended with ruthless force, cleaving through the vampires' defenses and severing their hands from their wrists in a horrifying display of violence.