The chase

The dwarf army's retreat did little to quell Derek's fury. They had come with overwhelming force to root him out, and now, they possessed all the information they needed about the city's defenses. Their intentions were clear: they planned to return, strategize, and come back even stronger. Derek couldn't allow that to happen.

His eyes blazed with cruel determination, and in an instant, he shot forward, a lone figure charging toward the retreating dwarf army. While they moved in numbers, Derek's speed was unmatched, and he began closing the distance between himself and the retreating soldiers with astonishing swiftness.

Gloin, the dwarf commander, seated atop a formidable war tank, turned his gaze toward Derek's approaching figure. A small, enigmatic smile curled on his lips. He leaned forward, addressing his subordinates, "If Derek and his werewolves choose to face us outside the safety of their defenses, then there will be no problem."