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As the all-encompassing eye vanished, Derek finally felt the oppressive weight lift from his chest, allowing him to draw in a shaky breath. He gripped his chest tightly, as if trying to soothe the lingering discomfort that had coursed through him. It had felt as though his heart had been squeezed, as if his very essence had been crushed.

What was truly terrifying about the encounter was that the wielder of the eye, this enigmatic and immensely powerful being, had not even attempted to harm Derek. Their gaze had been one of pure curiosity, and yet, just their presence, their sheer existence, had been enough to inflict harm upon him due to the clashing forces between them.

Derek's body shivered weakly, but he couldn't help but laugh maniacally, revealing blood-stained teeth. The experience had left him shaken but also exhilarated. The successor to the Supreme Deity was proving to be far more formidable and terrifying than he had ever expected.