Simply Death

The Nagi tribe Matriarch, her serpentine form coiled elegantly, regarded Derek with a deep frown etched upon her regal features. Her eyes, once hypnotic and alluring, now twisted with a flicker of fear as she addressed him. "You are a wandering soul," she spoke, her voice laced with a mixture of caution and apprehension. She knew well the capabilities of those who wandered between realms, and Derek's audacity in attacking the Beast Empire alone left her bewildered.

Derek stood in the center of their wary circle, his hands concealed behind him within the folds of his black robes. As the wind billowed around him, both his attire and his long hair fluttered, giving him the appearance of a defenseless youth. Yet, the darkness that swirled within his eyes told a different story. Within that abyss, a pinch of dark green light flickered like the entrance to the Underworld itself.