I'm the black dragon

Derek ignored their cold eyes and looked at the four pictures hung across the walls of the grand hall.

First, the Hayato tribe head, Yuki, resided in a room aglow with an ethereal, almost otherworldly light. The walls were adorned with vibrant tapestries depicting fiery phoenixes in flight, their wings ablaze with vivid hues of red, orange, and gold. A massive, ornate mirror stretched across one wall, adorned with delicate phoenix feathers. Yuki himself stood in the center of the room, his appearance a mesmerizing blend of human and phoenix features. His raven-black hair cascaded down his back, and his eyes shone like fiery coals. Elaborate, phoenix-themed garments adorned his lithe frame, and a pair of iridescent wings extended from his shoulders. He meditated with his eyes closed, surrounded by a soft, soothing hum of radiant energy.