Greatest flaw

The moment of reckoning arrived as Derek and Lu Jin closed the gap between them. In a symphony of martial prowess, they clashed with a ferocity that sent shockwaves reverberating across the battlefield.

Lu Jin thrust forward with the dazzling white saber in his hand, aiming for Derek's heart. Simultaneously, Derek hurled his clawed appendages forward, encasing them in a dark and ominous demonic aura. The impact of their collision was thunderous, sending shockwaves through the courtyard that could be felt for miles.

Derek frowned slightly as he sensed the radiant power of Lu Jin's saber slowly but steadily overwhelming his oppressive darkness. The God of death and destruction wasn't one to be easily outmatched. He looked to the swirling souls dancing around him, a resource he had yet to tap into fully. With a fierce determination, these spirits surged forward, pouring into the darkness that surged from his claws.