Celestial Serpahyx

From the shadows of the dense forest emerged a majestic and mythical creature, standing at an imposing 12 feet tall at the shoulder. Its graceful form resembled that of a celestial horse, with a glistening, pearlescent white coat that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow. Its deep sapphire blue eyes held a profound wisdom, and its long, flowing mane and tail were composed of starlight itself, radiating a soft, calming luminescence. The creature's hooves barely grazed the forest floor, and with each step, it left behind a trail of stardust that sparkled like a celestial path.

The beast's presence was nothing short of ethereal, and its gaze bore an air of regal supremacy as it fixed its sapphire eyes upon Lu Jin. It was as though it had emerged from the very heavens themselves, a being of celestial grace and power.