It's over, I win

In the heart of the dense forest that surrounded the Akuma Fortress, a celestial seraphyx, a magnificent and ethereal creature, stood poised. Its eyes, gleaming like radiant stars in the night sky, lit up with an otherworldly brilliance. This celestial guardian, a being of immense power, prepared to unleash its Starfall Barrage skill upon the fortress.

Above the imposing Akuma Fortress, a grand and intricate sky magic array had been activated. It hovered in the air, its symbols and runes glowing with an iridescent luminescence. The tension in the air was palpable, as the soldiers and onlookers gathered around the fortress watched in awe and trepidation.

Then, as if responding to the celestial seraphyx's command, a celestial shower of meteors descended from the magic array, hurtling down from the heavens with an awe-inspiring force. They streaked through the night sky, leaving dazzling trails of fiery light in their wake, and aimed unerringly at the Akuma Fortress.