Forgotten name

Derek, fueled by a surge of determination and a profound intent to prove the strength of Devour, shot forward with explosive speed. A trail of black smoke marked his path as he charged through the air. With a deafening bang, he entered a state of sheer darkness, radiating an ominous energy that engulfed both of his hands.

Descending like a predatory beast, Derek aimed at Lu Jin with lethal precision. The air crackled with the intensity of his attack, a relentless force seeking to overcome any opposition. However, in stark contrast to the impending collision, Lu Jin remained silent and unmoving, as if he were an unwavering pillar in the midst of a gathering storm.

As Derek dived towards him, Lu Jin's focus remained solely on his blade, as though he could discern something profound within its steel. A profound stillness enveloped him, emphasizing the gravity of the impending clash.