All men have different paths

In the heart of a dense forest, the crackling flames of a campfire illuminated the quiet surroundings. Sol, shirtless and revealing the scars that marked his thin frame, sat in profound meditation. His hands, wrapped in bandages, rested on his crossed legs as he delved into the depths of contemplation.

Next to the fire, Sol's old butler attended to the task of grilling rabbit meat. The aroma of sizzling meat filled the air, blending with the natural scents of the forest. The old butler, his movements deliberate and well-practiced, orchestrated the dance between fire and food.

Sol remained in silent meditation until the tantalizing scent of grilled rabbit drew him back to the present. His eyes, which had been closed in deep concentration, fluttered open as the old butler called out his name. Sol's gaze met the flickering flames, and he rose gracefully from his meditative stance.