
As the black dragon exploded into a swirling cloud of darkness, Derek emerged, his once-imposing form replaced by a pale and fatigued visage. Gracefully walking forward from the dissipating smoke, Kathrine, who had spent considerable time with Derek, immediately sensed his weariness. Despite his efforts to conceal it, the toll of the intense battle with Alex and Lu Jin was evident on Derek.

Concern etched across her features, Kathrine stepped forward with the intention to assist Derek. However, a simple gesture from Derek halted her, compelling her to take a step back. His refusal to accept aid indicated his determination to handle matters on his own, despite his obvious fatigue.

With deliberate steps, Derek instructed Kathrine;

"Dispatch a message to the beast empire, urging them to send soldiers to occupy the abandoned fortress before human forces could attempt to reclaim it. When you are done return to the kingdom where it's safe. "