Angelic statue

In the hazy aftermath of the disintegrating blade, Sol raised his gaze to behold the enigmatic figure who had appeared beside him. The man, clad in flowing black robes, exuded an aura of unfathomable power. His dark, cascading locks danced gracefully in the air, framing a countenance that carried an air of indomitable indifference. It was Derek.

Sol's perceptive eyes quickly discerned the immense power of the supreme deity tied to Derek's soul fragment. He recognized Derek as the protector of the next supreme deity, a realization that added a layer of complexity to the situation. Meanwhile, Derek, feeling the distinct power resonating from Sol, observed him keenly, detecting something unsettling, a peculiar energy that felt artificial, a copy of the true essence of the supreme deity.

A cruel smile etched its way across Derek's features as he regarded Sol, his dark green eyes penetratingly cold.