Evil residing in the pool

The air within the Altar Room carried a tense aura, an unsettling undercurrent that seemed to ripple through the chamber. Derek and Sol exchanged a glance, their expressions mirroring a mixture of curiosity and a subtle sense of foreboding, as if acknowledging an unspoken understanding between them.

A peculiar sensation enveloped them, a whisper of an unseen force tugging at the fringes of their consciousness, beckoning them toward the closed door at the far end of the chamber. Despite the ominous vibe emanating from behind the door, an inexplicable urge, like an invisible thread drawing them in, compelled Derek and Sol to confront the mystery that lay beyond.

Sol broke the uneasy silence, his voice laced with a cautious determination. "We might as well check it out. Whatever's happening here is beyond our understanding," he remarked, his eyes flickering with a mix of concern and curiosity.