Naive Deities

Derek's reptilian side eye fixated on Deucalion with a chilling, almost dismissive air. His voice, calm yet laced with a tinge of superiority, sliced through the charged atmosphere.

"With your current strength, you won't be able to win against me," Derek asserted, his words carrying an air of finality.

Before Deucalion could react or retort, Derek's hand shot forward with alarming speed, a blur of movement that struck Deucalion squarely in the abdomen. The sheer force of Derek's blow sent Deucalion hurtling backward, skidding across the ground, his expression contorted in surprise at the unexpected display of immense strength.

Aeloria's shock was palpable. Her eyes widened as she beheld the sheer might emanating from Derek. It became apparent that his strength was not merely human, it stemmed from his dragon heritage, an ancient and formidable lineage coursing through his veins.