Alaric Luthar

The heavy wooden door creaked shut behind Alex, sealing the chamber in an eerie silence. He stepped forward, the weight of his proclamation lingering in the air like a foreboding shadow. Yet, as his gaze swept the room in a cautious farewell, a calmness suddenly seized him, an odd sense of being watched.

A figure stood by the door, clad in attire that bespoke centuries of authority and wisdom. Lord Alaric, the aged patriarch of the Luthar family, bore a countenance that mirrored an unyielding resolve, yet his expression held an unexpected serenity. Alex's eyes widened imperceptibly at the realization that Alaric had been present all along, absorbing every word exchanged between Alex and Reynard.

The old patriarch's gaze met Alex's, his demeanor unchanged by the weight of the conversation that had transpired moments ago. Alaric's voice, weathered yet resonant, pierced the silence. "Quite a revelation you've delivered, young Alex."