Shut up or die

The carriage rumbled along the worn path, Derek seated stoically within, flanked by a handful of guards. Katherine sat opposite him, attempting to engage in conversation, her attempts at warmth clashing with Derek's distant demeanor.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" Katherine ventured, hoping for a semblance of dialogue.

Derek's response was a mere grunt, his attention seemingly fixated on something in the distance. Undeterred, Katherine persisted, her attempts at small talk met with Derek's continued aloofness.

"You know, my lord, the scenery is quite breathtaking," she pressed, trying to elicit some form of acknowledgment.

Derek merely nodded in agreement, his focus seemingly miles away. Frustration bubbled within Katherine; her attempts at bonding with Derek were like conversing with a brick wall.

As the journey continued, Katherine tried to inject levity into the tense carriage.