May the Emperor live for a thousand years

In the expansive royal courtroom of the Human Empire, ornate pillars adorned with intricate carvings stood sentinel, framing the chamber in grandeur. Stained glass windows stretched high, filtering sunlight into a mesmerizing mosaic of colors that danced across the marble floor.

The air hummed with an undercurrent of whispered conversations and the rustle of elaborate garments as important members of the noble families mingled, their attire a display of wealth and prestige.

At the heart of the chamber, upon the elevated throne, sat Emperor Lucien Blade. His presence commanded the room effortlessly, exuding an aura of regal authority.

Dressed in resplendent robes of midnight blue and gold, the fabric intricately embroidered with symbols of power, he sat with an air of serene confidence. With his chin rested upon his palm, he leaned slightly forward, his posture both relaxed and commanding.